Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.innova

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Driver for the Innova RT 6K UPS

Implemented from this document:

import serial
import io

#: The first 7 places of the response to the status inquiry are numbers, who
#: are paired with the names in the list below
#: The last section of the response to the status inquiry are 0's and 1's,
#: which indicate the boolean status of the fields listed below.
#: The names for the floats returned as section from the rating information
#: command

[docs]class Megatec(object): """Driver that implements parts of the Megatech specification"""
[docs] def __init__(self, device, baudrate=2400, timeout=2.0): self.serial = serial.Serial(device, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout) self.serialio = io.TextIOWrapper( io.BufferedRWPair(self.serial, self.serial), newline='\r' ) print('init')
[docs] def com(self, command): """Perform communication""" self.serialio.write(command) self.serialio.flush() return self.serialio.readline()
[docs] def get_status(self): """Return the status as a dict The values in the dict are either float or booleans. The keys for the float values are: * output_voltage * input_voltage * temperature_C * input_frequency * battery_voltage * output_current_load_percent * input_fault_voltage The keys for the boolean values are: * utility_fail_immediate * battery_low * bypass_boost_or_buck_active * UPS_failed * UPS_type_is_standby * test_in_progress * shutdown_active * beeper_on """ response ='Q1\r') if response[0] != '(' or response[-1] != '\r': msg = ( 'Unexpect reply on status inquiry. Either did not start ' 'with "(" or end with "\\r"' ) raise IOError(msg) # Split into section and sections = response.strip('(').split(' ') status = { name: float(value) for name, value in zip(STATUS_INQUIRY_NAMES, sections) } # Section 7 are boolean indicators bool_strs = sections[7].strip() for name, bool_str in zip(STATUS_INQUIRY_BOOLEANS, bool_strs): status[name] = bool_str == '1' return status
[docs] def test_for_10_sec(self): """Run a test of the batteries for 10 sec and return to utility""" response ='T\r') if response.strip() != 'ACK': message = 'UPS response to command "T" was "{}", not "ACK" as ' 'expected.' raise IOError(message.format(response))
[docs] def ups_information(self): """Return the UPS information""" response ='I\r') return response.strip()
[docs] def ups_rating_information(self): """Return the UPS rating information as a dict The dict contains float valus for the following 4 fields: * battery_voltage * frequency * rating_current * rating_voltage """ response ='F\r') if response[0] != '#' or response[-1] != '\r': msg = ( 'Unexpect reply on status inquiry. Either did not start ' 'with "#" or end with "\\r"' ) raise IOError(msg) sections = response.strip('#\r').split(' ') rating_information = {} for name, value_str in zip(RATING_INFORMATION_FIELDS, sections): rating_information[name] = float(value_str) return rating_information
[docs]class InnovaRT6K(Megatec): """for the InnovaRT6k UPS"""
def main(): from pprint import pprint innova = InnovaRT6K('COM1') # pprint(innova.get_status()) pprint(innova.ups_rating_information()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()