Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.xgs600

"""Driver class for XGS600 gauge controll"""
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import serial
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3


[docs]class XGS600Driver: """Driver for XGS600 gauge controller"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB1', timeout=2.0): self.serial = serial.Serial(port) self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def xgs_comm(self, command, expect_reply=True): """Implements basic communication""" # Write command # Clear waiting characters comm = "#00" + command + "\r" # #00 is RS232 communication and #aa is RS485 self.serial.write(comm.encode('ascii')) # Read reply if requested # Expected reply is always '>'+reply+'\r' # A reply can either be hex value or string or list of strings t_start_reply = time.time() time.sleep(0.25) if expect_reply: gathered_reply = '' number_of_bytes = self.serial.inWaiting() gathered_reply += while not gathered_reply.endswith('\r'): print( "Waiting for rest of reply, reply so far is: ", repr(gathered_reply) ) number_of_bytes = self.serial.inWaiting() gathered_reply += if time.time() - t_start_reply > self.timeout: raise TimeoutError time.sleep(0.25) return gathered_reply.replace('>', '').replace('\r', '')
[docs] def read_all_pressures(self): """Read pressure from all sensors""" pressures = [-3] error = 1 while (error > 0) and (error < 10): pressure_string = self.xgs_comm("0F") if len(pressure_string) > 0: error = 0 temp_pressure = pressure_string.replace(' ', '').split(',') pressures = [] for press in temp_pressure: if press == 'OPEN': pressures.append('OPEN') else: try: pressures.append((float)(press)) except ValueError: pressures.append(-2) else: time.sleep(0.2) error = error + 1 return pressures
[docs] def list_all_gauges(self): """List all installed gauge cards""" gauge_string = self.xgs_comm("01") gauges = "" for gauge_number in range(0, len(gauge_string), 2): gauge = gauge_string[gauge_number : gauge_number + 2] if gauge == "10": gauges = gauges + str(gauge_number / 2) + ": Hot Filament Gauge\n" if gauge == "FE": gauges = gauges + str(gauge_number / 2) + ": Empty Slot\n" if gauge == "40": gauges = gauges + str(gauge_number / 2) + ": Convection Board\n" if gauge == "3A": gauges = gauges + str(gauge_number / 2) + ": Inverted Magnetron Board\n" return gauges
[docs] def read_pressure(self, gauge_id): """Read the pressure from a specific gauge. gauge_id is represented as Uxxxxx and xxxxx is the userlabel""" pressure = self.xgs_comm('02' + gauge_id) try: val = float(pressure) except ValueError: val = -1.0 return val
[docs] def filament_lit(self, gauge_id): """Report if the filament of a given gauge is lid""" filament = self.xgs_comm('34' + gauge_id) return int(filament)
[docs] def emission_status(self, gauge_id): """Read the status of the emission for a given gauge""" status = self.xgs_comm('32' + gauge_id) emission = status == '01' return emission
[docs] def set_smission_off(self, gauge_id): """Turn off emission from a given gauge""" self.xgs_comm('30' + gauge_id, expect_reply=False) time.sleep(0.1) return self.emission_status(gauge_id)
[docs] def set_emission_on(self, gauge_id, filament): """Turn on emission for a given gauge""" if filament == 1: command = '31' if filament == 2: command = '33' self.xgs_comm(command + gauge_id, expect_reply=False) return self.emission_status(gauge_id)
[docs] def read_software_version(self): """Read gauge controller firmware version""" gauge_string = self.xgs_comm("05") return gauge_string
[docs] def read_pressure_unit(self): """Read which pressure unit is used""" gauge_string = self.xgs_comm("13") unit = gauge_string.replace(' ', '') if unit == "00": unit = "Torr" if unit == "01": unit = "mBar" if unit == "02": unit = "Pascal" return unit
[docs] def read_setpoint_state(self): """ Read all setpoint states as a hex value. Example 0005 corrosponds to state [T,F,T,F,F,F,F,F], and 0002 corrosponds to [F,T,F,F,F,F,F,F] """ setpoint_state_string = self.xgs_comm("03") setpoint_state = setpoint_state_string.replace(' ', '') hex_to_binary = format( int(setpoint_state, base=16), '0>8b' ) # format hex value to binari with 8bit binary_to_bool_list = [ char == '1' for char in hex_to_binary ] # make binary number to boolean array states = list( reversed(binary_to_bool_list) ) # Reverse boolean array to read states of valves left to right return states
[docs] def read_setpoint(self, channel): """Read the Setpoint OFF/ON/AUTO for channel h in [1-8]""" setpoint_string = self.xgs_comm("5F" + str(channel)) setpoint = setpoint_string.replace(' ', '') if str(setpoint) == "0": status = 'OFF' elif str(setpoint) == "3": status = 'AUTO' elif str(setpoint) == "1": status = 'ON' else: status = None return status
[docs] def set_setpoint(self, channel, state): """ "Set Setpoint OFF/ON/AUTO Example: #005E83 sets setpoint #8 to Auto """ if state in [0, 1, 3]: state_reply = state elif state in ['0', '1', '3']: state_reply = int(state) elif state.lower() == 'auto': state_reply = 3 elif state.lower() == 'off': state_reply = 0 elif state.lower() == 'on': state_reply = 1 else: return 'only (0,1,3) / ("OFF", "ON", "AUTO") is accepted' self.xgs_comm("5E" + str(channel) + str(state_reply), expect_reply=False)
[docs] def set_setpoint_on(self, setpoint, sensor_code, sensor_count, pressure_on): """This sets the pressure setpoint of the valve where it will be on. hcnx.xxxE-xx, where h is setpoint 1-8, c is sensorcode, T for CNV and I for ion gauge, n is sensor count, press is pressure represented with x.xxxE-xx c could be U and and then n would be the user label""" if sensor_code == 'user_label': sensor_code = 'U' self.xgs_comm( "6" + str(setpoint) + str(sensor_code) + str(sensor_count) + str(pressure_on), expect_reply=False, ) print( 'On_string: ', "6" + str(setpoint) + str(sensor_code) + str(sensor_count) + str(pressure_on), )
[docs] def set_setpoint_off(self, setpoint, sensor_code, sensor_count, pressure_off): """This sets the pressure setpoint of the valve where it will be off. hcnx.xxxE-xx, where h is setpoint 1-8, c is sensorcode, T for CNV and I for ion gauge, U is user label, n is sensor count or the specific user label, press is pressure represented as x.xxxE-xx""" if sensor_code == 'user_label': sensor_code = 'U' self.xgs_comm( "7" + str(setpoint) + str(sensor_code) + str(sensor_count) + str(pressure_off), expect_reply=False, ) print( 'Off_string: ', "7" + str(sensor_code) + str(sensor_count) + str(sensor_count) + str(pressure_off), )
[docs] def read_all_user_label(self): """Read all user defined labels for gauge id Command Entry T for TC/CNV, I for ion gauge (HFIG or IMG) n Sensor Count Counting TCs or ion gauges from left to right from the front panel view.""" user_labels = {} for i in range(1, 9): thermo_couple_string = self.xgs_comm("T" + str(i)) ion_gauges_string = self.xgs_comm("I" + str(i)) thermo_couple = thermo_couple_string.replace(' ', '') ion_gauges = ion_gauges_string.replace(' ', '') if thermo_couple != "?FF": user_labels['T' + str(i)] = thermo_couple else: pass if ion_gauges != "?FF": user_labels['I' + str(i)] = ion_gauges else: pass return user_labels
if __name__ == '__main__': XGS = XGS600Driver() print(XGS.read_all_pressures())