Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.wpi_al1000

"""This module implements a driver for the AL1000 syringe pump from
World Precision Instruments


import serial
import time
import crc16

[docs]class AL1000(object): """Driver for the AL1000 syringe pump"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=19200): self.serial = serial.Serial( port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=1, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, ) self.safe_mode = False
def _send_command(self, command): if self.safe_mode: encoded_command = command.encode('ascii') length = len(encoded_command) + 4 check_sum = crc16.crc16xmodem(encoded_command).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') to_send = bytes([2, length]) + encoded_command + check_sum + b'\x03' add = '{:0>2}'.format(n).encode('ascii') to_send_add = add + to_send self.serial.write(to_send) time.sleep(0.5) waiting = self.serial.inWaiting() reply = # FIXME implement crc16 checksum check return reply.decode('ascii') else: formatted_command = command + "\r" self.serial.write(formatted_command.encode("ascii")) time.sleep(0.5) waiting = self.serial.inWaiting() reply = reply_unicode = reply.decode("ascii") return reply_unicode[4:-1]
[docs] def get_firmware(self): """Retrieves the firmware version Returns: str: The firmware version """ return self._send_command("VER")
[docs] def get_rate(self): """ Retrieves the pump rate Returns: The pumping rate """ # FIXME convert to float return self._send_command("RAT")
[docs] def set_rate(self, num, unit=False): """Sets the pump rate. Args: num (float): The flow rate (0 mL/min - 34.38 mL/min) unit (str): For valid values see below. Valid units are: UM=microL/min MM=milliL/min UH=microL/hr MH=milliL/hour Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ if unit == False: self._send_command("FUNRAT") return "rate: " + self._send_command("RAT" + str(num)) if unit != False: self._send_command("FUNRAT") return "rate: " + self._send_command("RAT" + str(num) + unit)
[docs] def set_vol(self, num): """Sets the pumped volume to the pump. The pump will pump until the given volume has been dispensed. Args: num (float): The volume to de dispensed (no limits) Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ return self._send_command("VOL" + str(num))
[docs] def get_vol_disp(self): """Retrieves the dispensed volume since last reset. Returns: The dispensed volume """ return self._send_command("DIS")
[docs] def clear_vol_disp(self, direction="both"): """Clear pumped volume for one or more dircetions. Args: direction (string): The pumping direction. Valid directions are: INF=inflation, WDR=withdrawn, both=both directions. Default is both Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ if direction == "INF": return self._send_command("CLDINF") if direction == "WDR": return self._send_command("CLDWDR") if direction == "both": return self._send_command("CLDINF") return self._send_command("CLDWDR")
[docs] def set_fun(self, phase): """Sets the program function Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ return self._send_command("FUN" + phase)
[docs] def set_safe_mode(self, num): """Enables or disables safe mode. Args: If num=0 --> Safe mode disables If num>0 --> Safe mode enables with the requirement that valid communication must be received every num seconds Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ return self._send_command("SAF" + str(num))
def start_program(self): return self._send_command("RUN") def stop_program(self): return self._send_command("STP")
[docs] def get_direction(self): """Retrieves the curret pumping direction""" return self._send_command("DIR")
[docs] def set_direction(self, direction): """Sets the pumping direction Args: directoin=INF --> Pumping dirction set to infuse directoin=WDR --> Pumping dirction set to Withdraw directoin=REV --> Pumping dirction set to the reverse current pumping direction Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ if direction == "INF": return self._send_command("DIRINF") if direction == "WDR": return self._send_command("DIRWDR") if direction == "REV": return self._send_command("DIRREV")
[docs] def retract_pump(self): """Fully retracts the pump. REMEMBER TO STOP MANUALLY! Returns: Notihing. Printing the function yields space for success or error message """ self.set_direction("WDR") self.set_vol(9999) self.set_rate(34.38, "MM") self.start_program()
max_rate = 34.38 def main(): pump = AL1000() print(repr(pump.get_firmware())) # print(repr(pump._send_command("\x02\x08SAF0\x55\x43\x03"))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()