Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.vogtlin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Minimal MODBUS driver for the red-y smart - meter GSM, - controller GSC,
- pressure controller GSP and - back pressure controller GSB.

Implemented from the communication manual which is valid for instruments with a serial
number starting from 110 000.

The manual can be downloaded from this page:
and has this link:

@author: Kenneth Nielsen <>

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from time import time, sleep

import serial
import minimalmodbus

from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3


    'BAUDRATE': 9600,
    'BYTESIZE': 8,
    'STOPBITS': 2,
    'PARITY': serial.PARITY_NONE,

[docs]def process_string(value): """Strip a few non-ascii characters from string""" return value.strip('\x00\x16')
[docs]def convert_version(value): """Extract 3 version numbers from 2 bytes""" # subversion bits 0.3, versin bits 4-7, type bits 8-15 type_ = value // 256 value = value % 256 version = value // 16 subversion = value % 16 return '{}.{}.{}'.format(type_, version, subversion)
[docs]class RedFlowMeter(object): """Driver for the red-y smart flow meter""" # The command map consist of: # name: (minimalmodbus_method, conversion_function), method_args...) # The command is generate from pages 1.14 and 1.15 from the manual command_map = { 'flow': (('read_float', None), 0x00), 'temperature': (('read_float', None), 0x02), 'address': (('read_register', None), 0x0013), 'serial': (('read_long', None), 0x001E), 'hardware_version': (('read_register', convert_version), 0x0020), 'software_version': (('read_register', convert_version), 0x0021), 'type_code_1': (('read_string', process_string), 0x0023, 4), 'type_code_2h': (('read_string', process_string), 0x1004, 4), 'lut_select': (('read_register', None), 0x4139), 'range': (('read_float', None), 0x6020), 'fluid_name': (('read_string', process_string), 0x6042, 4), 'unit': (('read_string', process_string), 0x6046, 4), 'control_function': (('read_register', None), 0x000E), } # The command map for set operations consists of # name: (minimalmodbus_method, conversion_function, address) command_map_set = { 'setpoint_gas_flow': ('write_float', None, 0x0006), }
[docs] def __init__(self, port, slave_address, **serial_com_kwargs): """Initialize driver Args: port (str): Device name e.g. "COM4" or "/dev/serial/by-id/XX-YYYYY slave_address (int): The integer slave address serial_com_kwargs (dict): Mapping with setting to value for the serial communication settings available for minimalmodbus at the module level. E.g. to set `minimalmodbus.BAUDRATE` use {'BAUDRATE': 9600}. """ # Apply serial communications settings to minimalmodbus module self.serial_com_kwargs = dict(DEFAULT_COM_KWARGS) self.serial_com_kwargs.update(serial_com_kwargs) for key, value in self.serial_com_kwargs.items(): setattr(minimalmodbus, key, value) # Initialize the instrument self.instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument(port, slave_address) self._last_call = time() # Specify number of retrys when reading data self.number_of_retries = 10
def _ensure_waittime(self): """Ensure waittime""" waittime = 0.004 / 9600 * self.serial_com_kwargs['BAUDRATE'] time_to_sleep = waittime - (time() - self._last_call) if time_to_sleep > 0: sleep(time_to_sleep)
[docs] def read_value(self, value_name): """Read a value Args: value_name (str): The name of the value to read. Valid values are the keys in self.command_map Raises: ValueError: On invalid key """ # Ensure waittime self._ensure_waittime() # Extract command_spec try: command_spec = self.command_map[value_name] except KeyError: msg = "Invalid value name. Valid names are: {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(list(self.command_map.keys()))) # The command_spec is: # name: (minimalmodbus_method, conversion_function), method_args...) method_name, conversion_function = command_spec[0] for retry_number in range(1, self.number_of_retries): try: method = getattr(self.instrument, method_name) value = method(*command_spec[1:]) if conversion_function is not None: value = conversion_function(value) break except IOError as e: print( "I/O error({}): {}. Trying to retrieve data again..".format( retry_number, e ) ) sleep(0.5) continue except ValueError as e: print( "ValueError({}): {}. Trying to retrieve data again..".format( retry_number, e ) ) sleep(0.5) continue else: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not retrieve data in\ {} retries'.format( self.number_of_retries ) ) # Set last call time self._last_call = time() return value
[docs] def write_value(self, value_name, value): """Write a value Args: value_name (str): The name of the value to read. Valid values are the keys in self.command_map value (object): The value to write Raises: ValueError: On invalid key """ # Ensure waittime self._ensure_waittime() # Extract command_spec try: command_spec = self.command_map_set[value_name] except KeyError: msg = "Invalid value name. Valid names are: {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(list(self.command_map_set.keys()))) # The command_spec for set is: # name: (minimalmodbus_method, conversion_function, address) method_name, conversion_function, address = command_spec method = getattr(self.instrument, method_name) if conversion_function: value = conversion_function(value) method(address, value) # Set last call time self._last_call = time() return value
[docs] def read_all(self): """Return all values""" return {name: self.read_value(name) for name in self.command_map.keys()}
[docs] def read_flow(self): """Return the current flow (alias for read_value('flow')""" return self.read_value('flow')
[docs] def read_temperature(self): """Return the current temperature""" return self.read_value('temperature')
[docs] def set_address(self, address): """Set the modbus address Args: address (int): The slave address to use 1-247 Raise: ValueError: On invalid address """ if not (isinstance(address, int) and address in range(1, 248)): msg = 'Invalid address: {}. Must be in range 1-247' raise ValueError(msg.format(address)) self.instrument.address = address
def main(): # COM4, address 2 and 247 flow_meter = RedFlowMeter('COM8', 42) from pprint import pprint pprint(flow_meter.read_all()) flow_meter.write_value('setpoint_gas_flow', 0.0) # flow_meter.set_address(247) # pprint(flow_meter.read_all()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()