Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.vaisala_dmt143

"""Driver for Vaisala DMT 143"""
import time
import serial

[docs]class VaisalaDMT143: """Driver for Vaisala DMT 143"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port): self.serial = serial.Serial( port, baudrate=19200, timeout=1, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, ) self._init_device()
def _init_device(self): self.comm(chr(27)) # stop continuous output # Set predictable output format; # dew_point; atm dew_point; vol_conc; status; addres; time since started self.comm( 'FORM 3.6 Tdf ";" 3.6 Tdfa ";" 6.5 H2O ";" STAT ";" ADDR ";" TIME \\n' )
[docs] def comm(self, command: str, single_line: bool = False) -> str: """ Handle actual serial communication with instrument. """ actual_command = (command + '\r').encode('ascii') try: self.serial.write(actual_command) if single_line: reply = self.serial.readline().decode() else: time.sleep(1) in_waiting = self.serial.inWaiting() reply = except OSError: reply = None return reply
[docs] def device_information(self) -> dict: """ Return information about the device. """ command = '?' info_raw = self.comm(command) info = info_raw.strip() info = info.split('\n') model = info[0].strip() serial_nr = info[1].split(' ')[-1].strip() pressure = info[13].split(' ')[-2].strip() info_dict = {'model': model, 'serial_nr': serial_nr, 'pressure': pressure} return info_dict
[docs] def current_errors(self): """ Repport current error message, empty string if no errors. """ command = 'ERRS' errors_raw = self.comm(command) if 'No errors' in errors_raw: error_list = '' else: error_list = errors_raw return error_list
[docs] def set_reference_pressure(self, pressure: float): """ Set reference pressure used for internal calculations. """ command = 'XPRES {:.5f}'.format(pressure) reply = self.comm(command) print(reply) # todo!
[docs] def water_level(self): """ The actual measurements from the device. """ command = 'SEND' raw_value = self.comm(command, single_line=True) if raw_value is None: return split_values = raw_value.split(';') # print(split_values) dew_point = float(split_values[0]) dew_point_atm = float(split_values[1]) vol_conc = float(split_values[2]) return_dict = { 'dew_point': dew_point, # C 'dew_point_atm': dew_point_atm, 'vol_conc': vol_conc, # ppm } return return_dict
[docs]def main(): """ Main function, used only for test runs. """ port = '/dev/ttyUSB0' dmt = VaisalaDMT143(port=port) current_errors = dmt.current_errors() if current_errors: print('Error! ' + current_errors) print(dmt.device_information()) for i in range(0, 10): print(dmt.water_level())
if __name__ == '__main__': main()