Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.stahl_hv_400

""" Driver for Stahl HV 400 Ion Optics Supply """
from __future__ import print_function
import serial
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3


[docs]class StahlHV400(object): """ Driver for Stahl HV 400 Ion Optics Supply """
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0'): """ Driver for Stahl HV 400 Ion Optics Supply """ self.serial = serial.Serial(port, 9600, timeout=0.5) self.serial_number = None self.max_voltage = None self.number_of_channels = None self.bipolar = None self.identify_device() # Update device info
[docs] def comm(self, command): """ Perform actual communication with instrument """ command = command + '\r' command = command.encode('ascii') reply = '' iterations = 0 while (len(reply) < 2) and (iterations < 20): self.serial.write(command) reply = self.serial.readline() reply = reply.decode('latin-1') iterations = iterations + 1 # Make sure not to end in infinite lop return reply[:-1]
[docs] def identify_device(self): """ Return the serial number of the device """ reply = self.comm('IDN') reply = reply.split() self.serial_number = reply[0] self.max_voltage = int(reply[1]) self.number_of_channels = int(reply[2]) self.bipolar = reply[3][0] == 'b' return reply
[docs] def query_voltage(self, channel): """ Something is all wrong here... """ error = 20 while error > 0: try: reply = self.comm(self.serial_number + ' Q' + str(channel).zfill(2)) value = float(reply[:-1].replace(',', '.')) error = -1 except ValueError: error = error - 1 value = '-99999' return value
[docs] def set_voltage(self, channel, value): """ Set the voltage of a channel """ if self.bipolar: fraction = float(value) / (2 * self.max_voltage) + 0.5 else: fraction = float(value) / self.max_voltage assert isinstance(channel, int) self.comm( self.serial_number + ' CH' + str(channel).zfill(2) + ' ' + '{0:.6f}'.format(fraction) ) command = self.serial_number + ' DIS L CH' + str(channel).zfill(2) + ' {0:.2f}V' self.comm(command.format(value)) return True # Consider to run check_channel_status
[docs] def read_temperature(self): """ Read temperature of device """ reply = self.comm(self.serial_number + ' TEMP') temperature = reply[4:-2] # Remove word TEMP and unit return float(temperature)
[docs] def check_channel_status(self): """ Check status of channel """ reply = self.comm(self.serial_number + ' LOCK') channel_1_4 = bin(ord(reply[0]))[-4:] channel_5_8 = bin(ord(reply[1]))[-4:] channel_status = {} channel_status[4] = channel_1_4[0] == '0' channel_status[3] = channel_1_4[1] == '0' channel_status[2] = channel_1_4[2] == '0' channel_status[1] = channel_1_4[3] == '0' channel_status[8] = channel_5_8[0] == '0' channel_status[7] = channel_5_8[1] == '0' channel_status[6] = channel_5_8[2] == '0' channel_status[5] = channel_5_8[3] == '0' return channel_status
if __name__ == '__main__': HV400 = StahlHV400('/dev/ttyUSB0') HV400.set_voltage(1, -159.1) HV400.set_voltage(2, -69.1) # HV400.set_voltage(3, -47.9) # 55.9 # HV400.set_voltage(4, -47.9) # 46.9 # HV400.set_voltage(5, -44.9) # 44.9 # HV400.set_voltage(6, 0) # HV400.set_voltage(7, 0) # HV400.set_voltage(8, 0) # print(HV400.read_temperature()) print(HV400.check_channel_status()) status = HV400.check_channel_status() print(False in status) # print(HV400.query_voltage(1)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(2)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(3)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(4)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(5)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(6)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(7)) # print(HV400.query_voltage(8))