Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.powerwalker

import time
import crc16
import serial

import usb

[docs]class PowerWalker(object): """ Apparantly, for the available model, none of the control works. """ def comm(self, command, start_byte): raise NotImplementedError def device_information(self): reply = self.comm('I', '#') information = { 'company': reply[0:15].strip(), 'model': reply[16:26].strip(), 'version': reply[27:].strip(), } return information def device_ratings(self): reply = self.comm('F', '#') values = reply.split(' ') ratings = { 'rated_voltage': float(values[0]), 'rated_current': float(values[1]), 'battery_voltage': float(values[2]), 'rated_frequency': float(values[3]), } return ratings def device_status(self): values = [] errors = 0 while -1 < errors < 10: reply = self.comm('Q1', '(') # print('Reply: {}'.format(reply)) values = reply.split(' ') try: assert len(values) == 8 assert len(values[7]) == 8 errors = -1 except AssertionError: errors += 1 time.sleep(0.01) # print(values) if errors > 0: raise Exception('Unable to get status from UPS!') # bat_volt_string = values[5] # For on-line units battery voltage/cell is provided in the form S.SS. # For standby units actual battery voltage is provided in the form SS.S. # UPS type in UPS status will determine which reading was obtained. ups_status = [] status_description = { # Todo, add e 0: 'Beeper On', 1: 'Shutdown Active', 2: 'Test in Progress', 3: 'Standby', # Otherwise: Online 4: 'UPS Failed', 5: 'Bypass/Boost or Buck Active', 6: 'Battery Low', 7: 'Utility Fail', } status_string = values[7] for i in range(0, 8): bit_value = status_string[-1 - i] == '1' if bit_value: ups_status.append(status_description[i]) status = { 'input_voltage': float(values[0]), 'input_fault_voltage': float(values[1]), 'output_voltage': float(values[2]), 'output_current': float(values[3]) / 10, 'input_frequency': float(values[4]), 'battery_voltage': float(values[5]), 'temperature': float(values[6]), 'status': ups_status, } return status
[docs]class PowerWalkerUsb(PowerWalker):
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0'): # USB reverse engineering by # vendorId = 0x0665 productId = 0x5161 interface = 0 = usb.core.find(idVendor=vendorId, idProduct=productId) if, 0)
def getCommand(self, cmd): cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8') crc = crc16.crc16xmodem(cmd).to_bytes(2, 'big') cmd = cmd + crc cmd = cmd + b'\r' while len(cmd) < 8: cmd = cmd + b'\0' return cmd def sendCommand(self, cmd):, 0x9, 0x200, 0, cmd) def getResult(self, timeout=100): res = "" i = 0 while '\r' not in res and i < 20: try: res += "".join( [chr(i) for i in, 8, timeout) if i != 0x00] ) except usb.core.USBError as e: if e.errno == 110: pass else: raise i += 1 return res def comm(self, command, start_byte): self.sendCommand(self.getCommand(command + '\r')) res = self.getResult() reply = res[1:-1] return reply
[docs]class PowerWalkerSerial(PowerWalker):
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0'): self.serial = serial.Serial( port=port, baudrate=2400, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1, )
def comm(self, command, start_byte): error = 0 while -1 < error < 10: command = command + '\r' self.serial.write(command.encode()) reply_raw = self.serial.readline() reply = reply_raw.decode() if not (reply[0] == start_byte and reply[-1] == '\r'): self.serial.flush() time.sleep(0.25) error += 1 else: error = -1 if error > -1: raise RuntimeError('Communication error with UPS') reply = reply[1:-1] return reply
if __name__ == '__main__': pw = PowerWalkerSerial() # pw = PowerWalkerUsb() print(pw.device_status()) print(pw.device_information()) print(pw.device_ratings())