Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.pfeiffer

"""This module contains drivers for the following equipment from Pfeiffer

* TPG 262 and TPG 261 Dual Gauge. Dual-Channel Measurement and Control
    Unit for Compact Gauges

import time
import serial

# Code translations constants
    0: 'Measurement data okay',
    1: 'Underrange',
    2: 'Overrange',
    3: 'Sensor error',
    4: 'Sensor off (IKR, PKR, IMR, PBR)',
    5: 'No sensor (output: 5,2.0000E-2 [mbar])',
    6: 'Identification error',
    'TPR': 'Pirani Gauge or Pirani Capacitive gauge',
    'IKR9': 'Cold Cathode Gauge 10E-9 ',
    'IKR11': 'Cold Cathode Gauge 10E-11 ',
    'PKR': 'FullRange CC Gauge',
    'PBR': 'FullRange BA Gauge',
    'IMR': 'Pirani / High Pressure Gauge',
    'CMR': 'Linear gauge',
    'noSEn': 'no SEnsor',
    'noid': 'no identifier',
PRESSURE_UNITS = {0: 'mbar/bar', 1: 'Torr', 2: 'Pascal'}

[docs]class TPG26x(object): r"""Abstract class that implements the common driver for the TPG 261 and TPG 262 dual channel measurement and control unit. The driver implements the following 6 commands out the 39 in the specification: * PNR: Program number (firmware version) * PR[1,2]: Pressure measurement (measurement data) gauge [1, 2] * PRX: Pressure measurement (measurement data) gauge 1 and 2 * TID: Transmitter identification (gauge identification) * UNI: Pressure unit * RST: RS232 test This class also contains the following class variables, for the specific characters that are used in the communication: :var ETX: End text (Ctrl-c), chr(3), \\x15 :var CR: Carriage return, chr(13), \\r :var LF: Line feed, chr(10), \\n :var ENQ: Enquiry, chr(5), \\x05 :var ACK: Acknowledge, chr(6), \\x06 :var NAK: Negative acknowledge, chr(21), \\x15 """ ETX = chr(3) # \x03 CR = chr(13) LF = chr(10) ENQ = chr(5) # \x05 ACK = chr(6) # \x06 NAK = chr(21) # \x15
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600): """Initialize internal variables and serial connection :param port: The COM port to open. See the documentation for `pyserial <>`_ for an explanation of the possible value. The default value is '/dev/ttyUSB0'. :type port: str or int :param baudrate: 9600, 19200, 38400 where 9600 is the default :type baudrate: int """ # The serial connection should be setup with the following parameters: # 1 start bit, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 1 stop bit, no hardware # handshake. These are all default for Serial and therefore not input # below self.serial = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=1)
def _cr_lf(self, string): """Pad carriage return and line feed to a string :param string: String to pad :type string: str :returns: the padded string :rtype: str """ return string + self.CR + self.LF def _send_command(self, command): """Send a command and check if it is positively acknowledged :param command: The command to send :type command: str :raises IOError: if the negative acknowledged or a unknown response is returned """ self.serial.write(self._cr_lf(command)) response = self.serial.readline() if response == self._cr_lf(self.NAK): message = 'Serial communication returned negative acknowledge' raise IOError(message) elif response != self._cr_lf(self.ACK): message = 'Serial communication returned unknown response:\n{}' ''.format( repr(response) ) raise IOError(message) def _get_data(self): """Get the data that is ready on the device :returns: the raw data :rtype:str """ self.serial.write(self.ENQ) data = self.serial.readline() return data.rstrip(self.LF).rstrip(self.CR) def _clear_output_buffer(self): """Clear the output buffer""" time.sleep(0.1) just_read = 'start value' out = '' while just_read != '': just_read = out += just_read return out
[docs] def program_number(self): """Return the firmware version :returns: the firmware version :rtype: str """ self._send_command('PNR') return self._get_data()
[docs] def pressure_gauge(self, gauge=1): """Return the pressure measured by gauge X :param gauge: The gauge number, 1 or 2 :type gauge: int :raises ValueError: if gauge is not 1 or 2 :return: (value, (status_code, status_message)) :rtype: tuple """ if gauge not in [1, 2]: message = 'The input gauge number can only be 1 or 2' raise ValueError(message) self._send_command('PR' + str(gauge)) reply = self._get_data() status_code = int(reply.split(',')[0]) value = float(reply.split(',')[1]) return value, (status_code, MEASUREMENT_STATUS[status_code])
[docs] def pressure_gauges(self): """Return the pressures measured by the gauges :return: (value1, (status_code1, status_message1), value2, (status_code2, status_message2)) :rtype: tuple """ self._send_command('PRX') reply = self._get_data() # The reply is on the form: x,sx.xxxxEsxx,y,sy.yyyyEsyy status_code1 = int(reply.split(',')[0]) value1 = float(reply.split(',')[1]) status_code2 = int(reply.split(',')[2]) value2 = float(reply.split(',')[3]) return ( value1, (status_code1, MEASUREMENT_STATUS[status_code1]), value2, (status_code2, MEASUREMENT_STATUS[status_code2]), )
[docs] def gauge_identification(self): """Return the gauge identication :return: (id_code_1, id_1, id_code_2, id_2) :rtype: tuple """ self._send_command('TID') reply = self._get_data() id1, id2 = reply.split(',') return id1, GAUGE_IDS[id1], id2, GAUGE_IDS[id2]
[docs] def pressure_unit(self): """Return the pressure unit :return: the pressure unit :rtype: str """ self._send_command('UNI') unit_code = int(self._get_data()) return PRESSURE_UNITS[unit_code]
[docs] def rs232_communication_test(self): """RS232 communication test :return: the status of the communication test :rtype: bool """ self._send_command('RST') self.serial.write(self.ENQ) self._clear_output_buffer() test_string_out = '' for char in 'a1': self.serial.write(char) test_string_out += self._get_data().rstrip(self.ENQ) self._send_command(self.ETX) return test_string_out == 'a1'
[docs]class TPG262(TPG26x): """Driver for the TPG 262 dual channel measurement and control unit"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600): """Initialize internal variables and serial connection :param port: The COM port to open. See the documentation for `pyserial <>`_ for an explanation of the possible value. The default value is '/dev/ttyUSB0'. :type port: str or int :param baudrate: 9600, 19200, 38400 where 9600 is the default :type baudrate: int """ super(TPG262, self).__init__(port=port, baudrate=baudrate)
[docs]class TPG261(TPG26x): """Driver for the TPG 261 dual channel measurement and control unit"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600): """Initialize internal variables and serial connection :param port: The COM port to open. See the documentation for `pyserial <>`_ for an explanation of the possible value. The default value is '/dev/ttyUSB0'. :type port: str or int :param baudrate: 9600, 19200, 38400 where 9600 is the default :type baudrate: int """ super(TPG261, self).__init__(port=port, baudrate=baudrate)