Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.omega_cni

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" This module contains drivers for equipment from Omega. Specifically it
contains a driver for the ??? thermo couple read out unit.
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import logging
import serial
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3

# Configure logger as library logger and set supported python versions
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ISeries(object): """Driver for the iSeries omega temperature controllers""" pre_string = chr(42) end_string = chr(13)
[docs] def __init__(self, port, baudrate=19200, comm_stnd='rs232'): """Initialize internal parameters :param port: A serial port designation as understood by `pySerial <>`_ """ LOGGER.debug('Initialize driver') self.serial = serial.Serial( port, baudrate, bytesize=serial.SEVENBITS, parity=serial.PARITY_ODD, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, timeout=2, ) self.comm_stnd = comm_stnd time.sleep(0.1)'Driver initialized')
[docs] def command(self, command, response_length=None, address=None): """Run a command and return the result :param command: The command to execute :type command: str :param response_length: The expected legth of the response. Will force the driver to wait untill this many characters is ready as a response from the device. :type response_length: int """ if address is None and self.comm_stnd == 'rs485': address = '1' LOGGER.debug('command called with {}, {}'.format(command, response_length)) if self.comm_stnd == 'rs485': command = '0' + str(address) + command comm_string = (self.pre_string + command + self.end_string).encode('ascii') # print('Comm string: ' + comm_string) self.serial.write(comm_string) if response_length is not None: while self.serial.inWaiting() < response_length + 1: # If faster replies are needed this can be lowered to e.g. 0.05 time.sleep(0.17) else: # If a response length is not given, assume that the command can be # executed in 0.5 seconds time.sleep(0.5) response = response = response.decode() if len(response) > 15: response2 = [] for el in response: response2.append(ord(el)) # print('RES2: ' + str(response2)) # Strip \r from responseRemove the echo response from the device LOGGER.debug('comand return {}'.format(response[:-1])) if response[0 : len(command)] == command: response = response[len(command) :] return response[:-1]
[docs] def reset_device(self, address=None): """Reset the device""" command = 'Z02' print('Reseting device') return self.command(command, address=address)
[docs] def identify_device(self, address=None): """Return the identity of the device""" command = 'R26' return self.command(command, address=address)
[docs] def read_temperature(self, address=None): """Return the temperature""" LOGGER.debug('read_temperature called') command = 'X01' error = 1 while (error > 0) and (error < 10): try: response = float(self.command(command, address=address)) error = 0 except ValueError: error = error + 1 # print('AAA') response = None LOGGER.debug('read_temperature return {}'.format(response)) return response
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection to the device""" LOGGER.debug('Driver asked to close') self.serial.close()'Driver closed')
[docs]class CNi3244_C24(ISeries): """Driver for the CNi3244_C24 device"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port): """Initialize internal parameters :param port: A serial port designation as understood by `pySerial <>`_ """ super(CNi3244_C24, self).__init__(port)
if __name__ == '__main__': # This port name should be chages to a local port to do a local test OMEGA = ISeries('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600, comm_stnd='rs485') # print(OMEGA.identify_device(1)) # print(OMEGA.identify_device(2)) print(OMEGA.read_temperature()) print(OMEGA.read_temperature(2))