Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.isotech_ips

""" Driver for ISO-TECH IPS power supply series

It has not been possible to get the device to give any
meaningfull replys, but actually setting output values
import serial
import time

[docs]class IPS(object): """ Driver for IPS power supply """
[docs] def __init__(self, port): self.serial = serial.Serial(port, 2400, timeout=10, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False)
[docs] def comm(self, command): """ Communicate with instrument """ encoded_command = (command + '\r').encode('ascii') self.serial.write(encoded_command) # The unit will fail to run at more than 2Hz time.sleep(0.5) return True
[docs] def set_vlimit_to_max(self): """ Set the voltage limit to the maximum the device deliver """ self.comm('SUM')
[docs] def set_ilimit_to_max(self): """ Set the current limit to the maximum the device deliver """ self.comm('SIM')
[docs] def set_relay_status(self, status=False): """ Turn the output on or off """ if status is True: self.comm('KOE') else: self.comm('KOD')
[docs] def set_output_voltage(self, voltage): """ Set the output voltage """ self.comm('SV ' + '{:2.2f}'.format(voltage).zfill(5))
[docs] def set_voltage_limit(self, voltage): """ Set the voltage limit """ self.comm('SU ' + str(voltage))
[docs] def set_current_limit(self, current): """ Set the current limit """ self.comm('SI ' + '{:1.2f}'.format(current).zfill(3))
if __name__ == '__main__': ips = IPS('/dev/ttyUSB2') ips.set_relay_status(True) ips.set_output_voltage(5)