Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.inficon_sqm160

""" Driver for Inficon SQM160 QCM controller """
import serial
import time

[docs]class InficonSQM160(object): """ Driver for Inficon SQM160 QCM controller """
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600): self.serial = serial.Serial( port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=2, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, xonxoff=True, )
[docs] def comm(self, command): """ Implements actual communication with device """ length = chr(len(command) + 34) crc = self.crc_calc((length + command).encode()) command = '!' + length + command + chr(crc[0]) + chr(crc[1]) command_bytes = bytearray() for i in range(0, len(command)): command_bytes.append(ord(command[i])) error = 0 while (error > -1) and (error < 20): self.serial.write(command_bytes) time.sleep(0.1) reply = crc = self.crc_calc(reply[1:-2]) try: crc_ok = reply[-2] == crc[0] and reply[-1] == crc[1] except IndexError: crc_ok = False if crc_ok: error = -1 return_val = reply[3:-2] else: error = error + 1 return return_val
[docs] @staticmethod def crc_calc(input_string): """ Calculate crc value of command """ command_string = [] for i in range(0, len(input_string)): command_string.append(input_string[i]) crc = int('3fff', 16) mask = int('2001', 16) for command in command_string: crc = command ^ crc for i in range(0, 8): old_crc = crc crc = crc >> 1 if old_crc % 2 == 1: crc = crc ^ mask crc1_mask = int('1111111', 2) crc1 = (crc & crc1_mask) + 34 crc2 = (crc >> 7) + 34 return (crc1, crc2)
[docs] def show_version(self): """ Read the firmware version """ command = '@' return self.comm(command)
[docs] def show_film_parameters(self): """ Read the film paramters """ command = 'A1?' print(self.comm(command))
[docs] def rate(self, channel=1): """ Return the deposition rate """ command = 'L' + str(channel) value_string = self.comm(command) rate = float(value_string) return rate
[docs] def thickness(self, channel=1): """ Return the film thickness """ command = 'N' + str(channel) value_string = self.comm(command) thickness = float(value_string) return thickness
[docs] def frequency(self, channel=1): """ Return the frequency of the crystal """ command = 'P' + str(channel) value_string = self.comm(command) frequency = float(value_string) return frequency
[docs] def crystal_life(self, channel=1): """ Read crystal life """ command = 'R' + str(channel) value_string = self.comm(command) life = float(value_string) return life
if __name__ == "__main__": INFICON = InficonSQM160(baudrate=19200) print('Controler version: ', INFICON.show_version()) print('Rate channel 1: ', INFICON.rate(1)) print('Thinkness channel 1: ', INFICON.thickness(1)) print('Frequency channel 1: ', INFICON.frequency(1)) print('Crystal life channel 1: ', INFICON.crystal_life(1))