Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.epimax

"""Driver for the Epimax PVCi process vacuum controller

There are three controllers share the same kind of communication:

 * PVCi
 * PVCiDuo

The structure of the communication to these devices is the same and a part of the
parameters are also the same, but there are also some parameters that differ. Therefore,
the driver is implemented in such a way, that there is a base class (PVCCommon) that
contains the communication functionality and the parameter from the common parameter
definition. There can then be one class for each of the 3 specific devices, that adds in
the parameters that are specific to this device. To see how that works, look at the
:py:class:`.PVCi` class.

The implementation in this file is based on the documents:

 * "EMComm MODBUS Communications Handbook" version 3.10
 * "PVCX, PVCi & PVCiDuo EMComm Parameter List Handbook" version 3.00 (hereafter referred
   to as the parameter list)

Unfortunately, these documents are not (that I could find) available on the web and must
be fetched by emailing `Epimax support <>`_.

 .. note:: At present only the PVCi driver is implemented and only partially

 .. note:: At present no writing is implemented


from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys
from struct import unpack
from functools import partial

# Note: At present this driver uses a modified version of minimalmodbus found here:
# Which has initial support for functioncode 23 in read_string and read_float, which is
# necessary for this driver. It will be attempted for this to be mainlined, but it may
# take time.
import minimalmodbus

# This driver is Python 2 and 3, but you cannot use
# from __future__ import unicode_literals
# in the program running using it, since minimal modbus is missing a few corners in the
# conversion to Python 2 and 3 support
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3


### Classes ###

minimalmodbus.TIMEOUT = 1
minimalmodbus.FLOAT_ENDIANNESS = '<'

[docs]class PVCCommon(minimalmodbus.Instrument): """Common base for the PVCX, PVCi and PVCiDuo devices This common class must be sub-classed and the global_id and firmware_name class variables overwritten and the self.fields dict updated if necessary. See the :class:`.PVCi` inplementation for details. All requests for values (parameters) goes via value field names. To get a list of the available fields, have a look at the keys in the :attr:`.fields` dict of the common class and the sub-class. These fields names can then be used with :meth:`.get_field` and :meth:`.get_fields` method or accessed as if they were attributes of the class. Remember to call ``.close()`` after use. """ # Must be overwritten in the subclasses global_id = None firmware_name = None
[docs] def __init__(self, port, slave_address=1, check_hardware_version=True): """Initialize communication Args: port (unicode): The port specification of the device e.g. '/dev/????' slave_address (int): The address of the slave device, default is 1 check_hardware_version (bool): Indicated whether a check should be performed for correct hardware at __init__ time """ super(PVCCommon, self).__init__( port=port, slaveaddress=slave_address, ) # fields is a the list of all the parameters that are common for all three types of # devices. It is a dict where keys are adapted parameter names and the values are # typles of (addres, type_or_type_convertion_function, unit) # # All values are assumed to be 4 bytes (2 registers) and convertion_function is the # function that converts those 4 bytes to the desired value. self.fields = { # Group 1 'global_id': (0x00, 'string', None), 'firmware_version': (0x02, bytes_to_firmware_version, None), # Group 2 'unit_name': (0x10, 'string', None), 'user_id': (0x12, 'string', None), # Group 5 'slot_a_id': (0x42, bytes_to_slot_id, None), 'slot_b_id': (0x44, bytes_to_slot_id, None), 'bakeout_flags': (0x48, bytes_to_bakeout_flags, None), # Group 9 'trip_1_7_status': ( 0x80, partial(bytes_to_status, status_type='trip'), None, ), 'digital_input_1_2_status': ( 0x82, partial(bytes_to_status, status_type='digital_input'), None, ), # Group 10 'ion_gauge_1_pressure': (0x9A, 'float', 'selected_unit'), # Group 14 'bake_out_temp_1': (0xD0, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_2': (0xD2, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_3': (0xD4, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_4': (0xD6, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_5': (0xD8, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_6': (0xDA, 'float', 'C'), 'bake_out_temp_hysteresis': (0xDC, 'float', 'C'), 'ion_gauge_1_pressure_trip': (0xDE, 'float', 'selected_unit'), # Group 15 'bake_out_time_1': (0xE0, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_time_2': (0xE2, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_time_3': (0xE4, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_time_4': (0xE6, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_time_5': (0xE8, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_time_6': (0xEA, 'float', 'h'), 'bake_out_setpoint': (0xEC, 'float', 'C'), 'remaining_bake_out_time': (0xEE, 'float', 'h'), } if check_hardware_version: # Check that this is the correct hardware ids = self.get_fields(['global_id', 'firmware_version']) if ( ids['firmware_version'][0] != self.firmware_name or ids['global_id'] != self.global_id ): message = ( 'This driver class \'{}\' indicates that this hardware should ' 'have global_id: \'{}\' and firmware name: \'{}\'. However, ' 'the values are: \'{}\' and \'{}\'. This driver is not meant ' 'for this hardware. To run anyway, set ' 'check_hardware_version=False in __init__' ) raise ValueError( message.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.global_id, self.firmware_name, ids['global_id'], ids['firmware_version'][0], ) )
[docs] def close(self): """Close the serial connection""" self.serial.close()
def _read_bytes(self, register_start, count=4): """Read and return `count` number of bytes starting from `register_start` Args: register_start (int): The register to start reading from count (int): The number of bytes to read (default 4) Returns: bytes: The read bytes """ raw_value = self.read_string( registeraddress=register_start, numberOfRegisters=count // 2, functioncode=23, ) if sys.version_info.major >= 3: value = raw_value.encode('latin1') else: value = raw_value return value
[docs] def get_field(self, field_name): """Return the value for the field named field_name Args: field_name (str): The name of the field to get. The names used are adapted parameter names from the command list turned. See the keys in :attr:`fields` to see all possible values. Returns: object: An object with type corresponding to the value (int, float or str) Raises: KeyError: If the requested field_name is unknown """ address, type_or_convertion_function, _ = self.fields[field_name] if type_or_convertion_function == 'string': value = self.read_string(address, 2, 23) elif type_or_convertion_function == 'float': value = self.read_float( registeraddress=address, functioncode=23, ) else: raw = self._read_bytes(address) value = type_or_convertion_function(raw) return value
[docs] def get_fields(self, fields='common'): """Return a dict with fields and values for a list of fields This method is specifically for getting multiple values in the shortest amount of time. It works by always reading the maximum amount of registers (32) at a time and then using the remaining payload for subsequent values if they happen to be contained in the registers that have already been read. Args: fields (sequence or unicode): A sequence (list, tuple) of fields names or 'common' which indicates fields with an address between 0x80 and 0x9E (this is the default) or 'all'. Returns: dict: Field name to value mapping """ # Update and check fields if fields == 'common': # Form a list of the keys whose address is between 0x80 and 0x9E fields = [ key for key, value in self.fields.items() if 0x80 <= value[0] <= 0x9E ] elif fields == 'all': fields = self.fields.keys() else: for field in fields: if field not in self.fields: message = 'Field name {} is not valid'.format(field) raise KeyError(message) data = {field: self.get_field(field) for field in fields} return data
def __getattr__(self, attrname): """Custom getattr implementation""" if attrname in self.fields: return self.get_field(attrname) else: message = '\'{}\' object has no attribute {}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, attrname ) raise AttributeError(message)
[docs]class PVCi(PVCCommon): """Driver for the PVCi device For details of the functionality of this driver, see the docstring for the common base class :class:`PVCCommon` """ # Used in the __init__ of PVCCommon to check for the correct hardware version global_id = 'PVCi' firmware_name = 'PVCi'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """For specification for __init__ arguments, see :meth:`PVCCommon.__init__`""" super(PVCi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Update the common field definitions with those specific to the PVCi self.fields.update( { 'ion_gauge_1_status': ( 0x88, partial(ion_gauge_status, controller_type='pvci'), None, ), 'slot_a_value_1': (0x90, 'float', None), 'slot_a_value_2': (0x92, 'float', None), 'slot_b_value_1': (0x94, 'float', None), 'slot_b_value_2': (0x96, 'float', None), } )
### Convertion Functions ### ############################
[docs]def bytes_to_firmware_version(bytes_): """Convert 4 bytes to firmware type and version""" # Reverse order bytes_ = bytes_[::-1] # The first two bytes identify the unit type (using UNIT_TYPE for conversion) if sys.version_info.major == 2: bytes_as_ints = [ord(n) for n in bytes_] else: bytes_as_ints = bytes_ unit_code = tuple(bytes_as_ints[:2]) unit_type = UNIT_TYPE[unit_code] # The last two are integer major and minor parts of the version version = '{}.{}'.format(*bytes_as_ints[2:]) return unit_type, version
[docs]def bytes_to_string(bytes_, valid_chars=None): """Convert the 16 bit integer values from registers to a string Args: valid_chars (sequence): Sequence of two integers indicating the start and end of a range of valid bytes (both values included). All chars outside the range will be filtered out. """ if valid_chars: bytes_ = b''.join( c for c in bytes_ if valid_chars[0] <= ord(c) <= valid_chars[1] ) return bytes_.decode('ascii')
[docs]def bytes_to_float(bytes_): """Convert 2 16 bit registers to a float""" return unpack('<f', bytes_)[0]
[docs]def bytes_to_slot_id(bytes_): """Convert 4 bytes to the slot ID""" id_byte = bytes_[::-1][3] raise_if_not_set(byte_to_bits(id_byte), 0, 'slot_id_a') try: id_int = ord(id_byte) except TypeError: id_int = id_byte slot_id = SLOT_IDS[id_int % 128] if slot_id == SLOT_IDS[5]: if ord(bytes_[::-1][1]) == 0: slot_id += ', log' else: slot_id += ', lin' return slot_id
[docs]def bytes_to_status(bytes_, status_type): """Convert bytes to trip and digital input statuses""" # The 4 bits for a state is contained i 4 bytes, gather them up into one list all_states = [] for byte_ in bytes_: bits_ = list(reversed(byte_to_bits(byte_))) all_states.extend([bits_[:4], bits_[4:]]) # The 3 bit indicates whether status is used, sort out the rest all_states = [state for state in all_states if state[3]] states = {} for state_num, state_bits in enumerate( all_states, start=1 ): # Enumeration starts at 1 # Translate the state bits, if none is set, default to off if sum(state_bits[:3]) > 1: all_state_strings = [] for bit_num, bit_meaning in enumerate(['on', 'inhibit', 'override']): if state_bits[bit_num]: all_state_strings.append(bit_meaning) states[status_type + str(state_num)] = ', '.join(all_state_strings) else: states[status_type + str(state_num)] = 'off' return states
[docs]def byte_to_bits( byte, ): """Convert a byte to a list of bits""" try: byte_in = ord(byte) except TypeError: byte_in = byte bits = [b == '1' for b in bin(byte_in)[2:].zfill(8)] return bits
[docs]def raise_if_not_set(bits, index, parameter): """Raise a ValueError if bit is not set""" if not bits[index]: message = 'Bad \'{}\'. Expected bit {} to be set, got bits {}' raise ValueError(message.format(parameter, index, bits))
[docs]def ion_gauge_status(bytes_, controller_type=None): """Read of ion gauge status""" bytes_ = reversed(bytes_) status = {} # Ion gauge status bits = byte_to_bits(next(bytes_)) for bit_, state in zip(bits, ALL_PVC_IONGAUGE_MODES): if bit_: status['status'] = state # Filemant type and number bits = byte_to_bits(next(bytes_)) if controller_type == 'pvci': raise_if_not_set(bits, 0, 'filament type') status['filemant_type'] = 'tungsten' if bits[3] else 'iridium' raise_if_not_set(bits, 4, 'filemant number') status['filament_number'] = int(bits[7]) + 1 # Measurement error and pressure trend bits = byte_to_bits(next(bytes_)) raise_if_not_set(bits, 0, 'measurement error') status['measurement_error'] = ( 'electrometer input below min. limit' if bits[1] else 'none' ) raise_if_not_set(bits, 4, 'ion gauge trend') status['ion_gauge_trend'] = 'none' for bit_number, value in zip([7, 6], ['rising', 'falling']): if bits[bit_number]: status['ion_gauge_trend'] = value # Current ion gauge emission/degas setting if controller_type == 'pvci': byte = next(bytes_) bits = byte_to_bits(byte) raise_if_not_set(bits, 0, 'ion gauge emission/degas setting') status_dict = {'mode': 'manual'} for bit_number, value in zip([1, 3], ['autoemission', 'quick degas']): if bits[bit_number]: status_dict['mode'] = value # The current/power is given by an integer formed by the last 4 bits try: byte_as_int = ord(byte) except TypeError: byte_as_int = byte current_int = byte_as_int % 16 status_dict['emission'] = PVCI_ION_GAUGE_STATUSSES[current_int] status['ion_gauge_emission_setting'] = status_dict else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Only controller type pvci is implement for gauge status' ) # Only return if there are no bytes left, else raise try: next(bytes_) except StopIteration: return status raise ValueError('Too many bytes for gauge status')
[docs]def bytes_to_bakeout_flags(bytes_): """Returns the bakeout flags from bytes""" bytes_ = reversed(bytes_) status = {} # Degas at end of bake bits = byte_to_bits(next(bytes_)) status['degas_at_end_of_bake'] = bits[7] # Middle two bytes not implemented next(bytes_) next(bytes_) # Bakeout status bits = byte_to_bits(next(bytes_)) status_flags = [] for bit_number, flag in BAKEOUT_FLAGS.items(): if bits[bit_number]: status_flags.append(flag) # if len(status_flags) == 0: # status_flags.append('off') status['status_flags'] = status_flags return status
### Constants ### ################# ALL_PVC_IONGAUGE_MODES = [ 'normal', 'fan_fail', 'digital_input_fail', 'over_pressure_fail', # bits 0-3 'emmision_failed', 'interlock_trip', 'emmission_trip', # bits 4-6 'filament_overcurrent_trip', ] # bit 7 PVCI_ION_GAUGE_STATUSSES = { 0x0: 'OFF', 0x1: 'IGS_EM_100uA', 0x2: 'IGS_EM_200uA', 0x3: 'IGS_EM_500uA', 0x4: 'IGS_EM_1mA', 0x5: 'IGS_EM_2mA', 0x6: 'IGS_EM_5mA', 0x7: 'IGS_EM_10mA', 0x8: 'IGS_EM_1W', 0x9: 'IGS_EM_2W', 0xA: 'IGS_EM_3W', 0xB: 'IGS_EM_6W', 0xC: 'IGS_EM_12W', 0xD: 'IGS_EM_20W', 0xE: 'IGS_EM_30W', } BAKEOUT_FLAGS = { 7: 'bake-out started', 6: 'bake-out is inhibited by assigned digital inputs', 5: 'bake-out is inhibited by ion gauge pressure', 4: 'bake-out is suspended', 3: 'bake-out output is on', } UNIT_TYPE = { (0x45, 0x58): 'PVCX', (0x45, 0x44): 'PVCi', (0x45, 0x32): 'PVCiDuo', } SLOT_IDS = { 0: 'empty', 1: 'ion gauge (internally set)', 2: 'V module, VG pirani gauge head', 3: 'K module, type K thermocouple', 4: 'E module, M and Thyracont Pirani gauge head', 5: 'U module, universal input range', } ### Quick test ### ##################
[docs]def run_module(): """Tests basic functionality Will init a PVCi on USB0 and out all info fields and gauge 1 pressure and bakeout info continuously """ import logging logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTY3M2GN-if00-port0' # pvci = PVCi('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTY3M2GN-if00-port0') pvci = PVCi('/dev/ttyUSB0') from pprint import pprint pprint(pvci.get_fields('all')) # Continuous try: while True: print(pvci.ion_gauge_1_status) for _ in range(20): print( 'Pressure {:.2e} Setpoint: {:.2f} Actual temp: {:.2f}'.format( pvci.ion_gauge_1_pressure, pvci.bake_out_setpoint, pvci.slot_b_value_1, ) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('closing')
if __name__ == "__main__": run_module()