Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.edwards_agc

""" Driver and simple test case for Edwards Active Gauge Controler """
from __future__ import print_function
import serial

[docs]class EdwardsAGC(object): """Primitive driver for Edwards Active Gauge Controler Complete manual found at"""
[docs] def __init__(self, port='/dev/ttyUSB0'): self.serial = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=9600, timeout=0.5)
[docs] def comm(self, command): """ Implements basic communication """ comm = command + "\r" for _ in range( 0, 10 ): # Seems you no to query several times to get correct reply self.serial.write(comm.encode('ascii')) complete_string = self.serial.readline().decode() self.serial.write(comm.encode('ascii')) complete_string = self.serial.readline().decode() complete_string = complete_string.strip() return complete_string
[docs] def gauge_type(self, gauge_number): """ Return the type of gauge """ types = { 0: 'Not Fitted', 1: '590 CM capacitance manometer', 15: 'Active strain gauge', 5: 'Pirani L low pressure', 20: 'Wide range gauge', } # Feel free to fill in.... type_number = int(self.comm('?GV ' + str(gauge_number))) gauge_type = types[type_number] return gauge_type
[docs] def read_pressure(self, gauge_number): """ Read the pressure of a gauge """ pressure_string = self.comm('?GA ' + str(gauge_number)) pressure_value = float(pressure_string) return pressure_value
[docs] def pressure_unit(self, gauge_number): """ Read the unit of a gauge """ units = {0: 'mbar', 1: 'torr'} unit_string = self.comm('?NU ' + str(gauge_number)) unit_number = int(unit_string) unit = units[unit_number] return unit
[docs] def current_error(self): """ Read the current error code """ error_code = self.comm('?SY') return error_code
[docs] def software_version(self): """ Return the software version of the controller """ return self.comm('?VE')
if __name__ == '__main__': E_AGC = EdwardsAGC() print(E_AGC.gauge_type(4)) print(E_AGC.read_pressure(1)) print(E_AGC.read_pressure(2)) print(E_AGC.read_pressure(3)) print(E_AGC.read_pressure(4)) print(E_AGC.pressure_unit(1)) print(E_AGC.current_error())