Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.asair_aht20

import smbus
import time

[docs]class AsairAht20(object): """Class for reading pressure and temperature from Omron D6F-PH series Ranging not implemented for all models"""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.bus = smbus.SMBus(1) self.device_address = 0x38 self.init_device()
def _read_status(self): self.bus.write_byte(self.device_address, 0x71) response = self.bus.read_byte(self.device_address) # print('Status: {}, bin: {}'.format(response, bin(response))) return response
[docs] def init_device(self): """ Sensor needs to be initiated after power up """ # Reset sensor: self.bus.write_byte(self.device_address, 0xBA) time.sleep(0.03) # Calibrate sensor: init_command = [0x08, 0x00] self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.device_address, 0xBE, init_command) calibrated = False while not calibrated: response = self._read_status() calibrated = response & 0b1000 time.sleep(0.2) # Device is now calibrated and ready for operation return True
[docs] def read_value(self): """ Read a value from the sensor """ read_command = [0x33, 0x00] self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.device_address, 0xAC, read_command) time.sleep(0.1) value = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.device_address, 0x00, 6) # msg = 'State: {}, hex: {}, bin: {}' # print(msg.format(value[0], hex(value[0]), bin(value[0]))) # print('Humidity: {} {}'.format(value[1], value[2])) # print('Shared byte: {}'.format(value[3])) # print('Temperature: {}'.format(value[4] + value[5])) humidity_high = value[1] << 12 humidity_mid = value[2] << 4 humidity_low = value[3] >> 4 humidity = humidity_high + humidity_mid + humidity_low humidity_cal = 100.0 * humidity / 2 ** 20 temp_high = (value[3] & 0b00001111) << 16 temp_mid = value[4] << 8 temp_low = value[5] temperature = temp_high + temp_mid + temp_low temperature_cal = 200.0 * temperature / 2 ** 20 - 50 return humidity_cal, temperature_cal
if __name__ == '__main__': ASAIR = AsairAht20() humidity, temperature = ASAIR.read_value() print('Temperature: {:.2f}C, Humidity: {:.2f}%'.format(temperature, humidity))