Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.agilent_34972A

""" Driver class for Agilent 34972A multiplexer """
from __future__ import print_function
from PyExpLabSys.drivers.scpi import SCPI
import time
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3


[docs]class Agilent34972ADriver(SCPI): """ Driver for Agilent 34972A multiplexer """
[docs] def __init__(self, interface='lan', hostname='', connection_string=''): if interface == 'lan': # the LAN interface SCPI.__init__( self, interface=interface, hostname=hostname, line_ending='\n' ) if ( interface == 'file' ): # For distributions that mounts usbtmc as a file (eg. ubuntu) SCPI.__init__(self, interface=interface, device='/dev/usbtmc0') if interface == 'usbtmc': # For python-usbtmc (preferred over file) SCPI.__init__(self, interface=interface, visa_string=connection_string)
[docs] def read_single_scan(self): """ Read a single scan-line """ self.scpi_comm("TRIG:SOURCE TIMER") self.scpi_comm("TRIG:COUNT 1") self.scpi_comm("INIT") time.sleep(0.025) status = int(self.scpi_comm("STATUS:OPERATION:CONDITION?")) status_bin = bin(status)[2:].zfill(16) while status_bin[11] == '1': status = int(self.scpi_comm("STATUS:OPERATION:CONDITION?")) status_bin = bin(status)[2:].zfill(16) time.sleep(0.025) response = self.scpi_comm("FETCH?") response = response.split(',') return_values = [] for val in response: return_values.append(float(val)) return return_values
[docs] def abort_scan(self): """ Abort the scan """ self.scpi_comm("ABOR")
[docs] def read_configuration(self): """ Read device configuration """ scan_list = self.read_scan_list() response = self.scpi_comm("CONFIGURE?") response = response.replace(' ', ',') response = response.replace('\"', '') response = response.replace('\n', '') conf = response.split(',') response = self.scpi_comm("VOLT:DC:NPLC?") nplc_conf = response.split(',') i = 0 conf_string = "" for channel in scan_list: conf_string += str(channel) + "\n" + "Measurement type: " conf_string += conf[3 * i] + "\nRange: " + conf[3 * i + 1] conf_string += "\nResolution: " + conf[3 * i + 2] + "\nNPLC: " conf_string += str(float(nplc_conf[i])) + "\n \n" i += 1 return conf_string
[docs] def set_scan_interval(self, interval): """ Set the scan interval """ self.scpi_comm("TRIG:TIMER " + str(interval))
[docs] def set_integration_time(self, channel, nplc): """ Set integration time """ comm_string = "VOLT:DC:NPLC " + str(nplc) + ",(@" + str(channel) + ")" self.scpi_comm(comm_string)
[docs] def read_scan_interval(self): """ Read the scan interval """ response = self.scpi_comm("TRIG:TIMER?") print(response)
[docs] def read_scan_list(self): """ Return the scan list """ response = self.scpi_comm("ROUT:SCAN?") response = response.strip() start = response.find('@') response = response[start + 1 : -1] return response.split(',')
[docs] def set_scan_list(self, channels): """ Set the scan list """ comm = "ROUT:SCAN (@" for chn in channels: comm += str(chn) + ',' comm = comm[:-1] comm += ")" self.scpi_comm(comm) return True
if __name__ == "__main__": DEVICE = Agilent34972ADriver() print(DEVICE.read_software_version()) print(DEVICE.read_scan_list()) print(DEVICE.read_configuration()) print(DEVICE.read_single_scan())