Source code for PyExpLabSys.drivers.agilent_34410A

""" Driver class for Agilent 34410A DMM """
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
from PyExpLabSys.drivers.scpi import SCPI
import sys
from PyExpLabSys.common.supported_versions import python2_and_3

# Configure logger as library logger and set supported python versions
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Agilent34410ADriver(SCPI): """ Driver for Agilent 34410A DMM """
[docs] def __init__(self, interface='lan', hostname='', connection_string=''): if interface == 'lan': # the LAN interface SCPI.__init__( self, interface=interface, hostname=hostname, line_ending='\n' ) if ( interface == 'file' ): # For distributions that mounts usbtmc as a file (eg. ubuntu) SCPI.__init__(self, interface=interface, device='/dev/usbtmc0') if interface == 'usbtmc': # For python-usbtmc (preferred over file) SCPI.__init__(self, interface=interface, visa_string=connection_string)
[docs] def config_current_measurement(self): """ Configures the instrument to measure current. """ # FIXME: Take parameter to also be able to select AC self.scpi_comm("CONFIGURE:CURRENT:DC") return True
[docs] def config_resistance_measurement(self): """ Configures the instrument to measure resistance. """ # FIXME: Take parameter to also be able to select 4W self.scpi_comm("CONFIGURE:RESISTANCE") return True
[docs] def select_measurement_function(self, function): """Select a measurement function. Keyword arguments: Function -- A string stating the wanted measurement function. """ values = [ 'CAPACITANCE', 'CONTINUITY', 'CURRENT', 'DIODE', 'FREQUENCY', 'RESISTANCE', 'FRESISTANCE', 'TEMPERATURE', 'VOLTAGE', ] return_value = False if function in values: return_value = True function_string = "FUNCTION " + "\"" + function + "\"" self.scpi_comm(function_string) return return_value
[docs] def read_configuration(self): """ Read device configuration """ response = self.scpi_comm("CONFIGURE?") response = response.replace(' ', ',') conf = response.split(',') conf_string = "" conf_string += "Measurement type: " + conf[0] + "\n" conf_string += "Range: " + conf[1] + "\n" conf_string += "Resolution: " + conf[2] return conf_string
[docs] def set_auto_input_z(self, auto=False): """ Change internal resitance """ if auto: self.scpi_comm("VOLT:IMP:AUTO ON") else: self.scpi_comm("VOLT:IMP:AUTO OFF")
[docs] def read(self): """ Read a value from the device """ value = float(self.scpi_comm("READ?")) return value
[docs]def main(): """ Main function """ if len(sys.argv) == 3: interface = sys.argv[1] device = sys.argv[2] driver = Agilent34410ADriver( interface, hostname=device, connection_string=device ) print( driver.select_measurement_function('VOLTAGE') print( driver.select_measurement_function('FRESISTANCE') print( else: print('Please provide interface and connection information')
if __name__ == "__main__": main()