Source code for PyExpLabSys.common.utilities

"""This module contains a convenience function for easily setting up a
logger with the :py:mod:`logging` module.

This module uses the following settings from the :class:`.Settings` class:

 * util_log_warning_email
 * util_log_error_email
 * util_log_mail_host
 * util_log_max_emails_per_period (defaults to 5)
 * util_log_email_throttle_time (defaults to 86400s = 1day)
 * util_log_backlog_limit (defaults to 250)

 .. note:: All of these settings are at present read from the settings module at import
    time, so if it is desired to modify them at run time, it should be done before import


from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

import sys
import inspect
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler, SMTPHandler
import platform
import time
from collections import deque

from ..settings import Settings

#: The :class:`.Settings` object used in this module
SETTINGS = Settings()

#: The email list warning emails are sent to
WARNING_EMAIL = SETTINGS.util_log_warning_email
#: The email list error emails are sent to
ERROR_EMAIL = SETTINGS.util_log_error_email
#: The email host used to send emails on logged warnings and errors
MAIL_HOST = SETTINGS.util_log_mail_host

# Limit emails to 5 of each kind per day, but send blocked emails along with
# the next allowed email
#: The maximum number of emails the logger will send in
MAX_EMAILS_PER_PERIOD = SETTINGS.util_log_max_emails_per_period
    logging.WARNING: deque([0] * MAX_EMAILS_PER_PERIOD, maxlen=MAX_EMAILS_PER_PERIOD),
    logging.ERROR: deque([0] * MAX_EMAILS_PER_PERIOD, maxlen=MAX_EMAILS_PER_PERIOD),
#: The time period that the numbers of emails will be limited within
EMAIL_THROTTLE_TIME = SETTINGS.util_log_email_throttle_time
#: The maximum number of messages in the email backlog that will be sent when
#: the next email is let through
EMAIL_BACKLOG_LIMIT = SETTINGS.util_log_backlog_limit
    logging.WARNING: deque(maxlen=EMAIL_BACKLOG_LIMIT),
    logging.ERROR: deque(maxlen=EMAIL_BACKLOG_LIMIT),

### Log helpers
def _numeric_log_level_from_name(level_name):
    """Return a numeric log level from a log level name"""
    numeric_log_level = getattr(logging, level_name.upper(), None)
    if not isinstance(numeric_log_level, int):
        raise ValueError('Invalid logging level "{}"'.format(level_name))
    return numeric_log_level

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def _create_handlers(
    """Build and create common handlers

    Build and create the following common handler of requested:
     * A Stream handler
     * A rotating file handler
     * Email handlers

    handlers = []

    # Create stream handler
    if terminal_log:

    # Create file handler
    if file_log:
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = name + '.log'
        file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(
            file_name, maxBytes=file_max_bytes, backupCount=file_backup_count

    # Create email warning handler
    if email_on_warnings:
        # Note, the placeholder in the subject will be replaced by the hostname
        warning_email_handler = CustomSMTPWarningHandler(
            subject='Warning from: {}',

    # Create email error handler
    if email_on_errors:
        # Note, the placeholder in the subject will be replaced by the hostname
        error_email_handler = CustomSMTPHandler(
            subject='Error from: {}',

    return handlers

### Public log functions
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
[docs]def get_logger( name, level='INFO', terminal_log=True, file_log=False, file_name=None, file_max_bytes=1048576, file_backup_count=1, email_on_warnings=True, email_on_errors=True, ): """Setup and return a program logger This is meant as a logger to be used in a top level program/script. The logger is set up for with terminal, file and email handlers if requested. Args: name (str): The name of the logger, e.g: 'my_fancy_program'. Passing in an empty string will return the root logger. See note below. level (str): The level for the logger. Can be either ``'DEBUG'``, ``'INFO'``, ``'WARNING'``, ``'ERROR'`` or ``'CRITICAL'``. See :py:mod:`logging` for details. Default is ``'INFO'``. terminal_log (bool): If ``True`` then logging to a terminal will be activated. Default is ``True``. file_log (bool): If ``True`` then logging to a file, with log rotation, will be activated. If ``file_name`` is not given, then ``name + '.log'`` will be used. Default is ``False``. file_name (str): Optional file name to log to file_max_size (int): The maximum size of the log file in bytes. The default is ``1048576`` (1MB), which corresponds to roughly 10000 lines of log per file. file_backup_count (int): The number of backup logs to keep. The default is ``1``. email_on_warnings (bool): Whether to send an email to the :data:`.WARNING_EMAIL` email list if a warning is logged. The default is ``True``. email_on_error (bool): Whether to send en email to the :data:`.ERROR_EMAIL` email list if an error (or any logging level above) is logged. The default is ``True``. Returns: :py:class:`logging.Logger`: A logger module with the requested setup .. note:: Passing in the empty string as the ``name``, will return the root logger. That means that all other `library loggers <>`_ will inherit the level and handlers from this logger, which may potentially result in **a lot** of output. See :func:`.activate_library_logging` for a way to activate the library loggers from PyExpLabSys in a more controlled manner. """ # Get a named logger and set the level logger = logging.getLogger(name) numeric_log_level = _numeric_log_level_from_name(level) logger.setLevel(numeric_log_level) # Get handlers handlers = _create_handlers( name=name, terminal_log=terminal_log, file_log=file_log, file_name=file_name, file_max_bytes=file_max_bytes, file_backup_count=file_backup_count, email_on_warnings=email_on_warnings, email_on_errors=email_on_errors, ) # Add formatters to the handlers and add the handlers to the root_logger formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s') for handler in handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger
[docs]def get_library_logger_names(): """Return all loggers currently configured in PyExpLabSys""" logger = logging.getLogger() # Somewhat undocumented way of getting all the loggers, let's hope it never changes logger_names = logger.manager.loggerDict.keys() pyexplabsys_loggers = [ln for ln in logger_names if ln.startswith('PyExpLabSys')] return pyexplabsys_loggers
[docs]def activate_library_logging( logger_name, logger_to_inherit_from=None, level=None, terminal_log=True, file_log=False, file_name=None, file_max_bytes=1048576, file_backup_count=1, email_on_warnings=True, email_on_errors=True, ): """Activate logging for a PyExpLabSys library logger Args: logger_name (str): The name of the logger to activate, as returned by :func:`.get_library_logger_names` logger_to_inherit_from (logging.Logger): (Optional) If this is set, the library logger will simply share the handlers that are present in this logger. The library to be activated will also inherit the level from this logger, unless ``level`` is set, in which case it will override. In case neither ``level`` nor the level on ``logger_to_inherit_from`` is set, the level will not be changed. level (str): (Optional) See docstring for :func:`.get_logger`. If ``logger_to_inherit_from`` is not set, it will default to 'info'. terminal_log (bool): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` file_log (bool): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` file_name (str): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` file_max_size (int): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` file_backup_count (int): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` email_on_warnings (bool): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` email_on_error (bool): See docstring for :func:`.get_logger` """ # Get hold of the logger to activate if logger_name not in get_library_logger_names(): message = ( 'The logger "{}" is not among the currently configured PyExpLabSys ' 'library loggers. Make sure you import the relevant PyExpLabSys ' 'module *before* activating it. To get a list of all PyExpLabSys ' 'library loggers call get_library_logger_names function from this ' 'module' ) raise ValueError(message.format(logger_name)) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # Activate by inheriting handlers and level if logger_to_inherit_from is not None: # Set level for library logger if level is not None: numeric_log_level = _numeric_log_level_from_name(level) logger.setLevel(numeric_log_level) elif logger_to_inherit_from.level > 0: logger.setLevel(logger_to_inherit_from.level) # Inherit all the handlers for handler in logger_to_inherit_from.handlers: logger.addHandler(handler) return # Get level and set if level is None: # Set default level = 'info' numeric_log_level = _numeric_log_level_from_name(level) logger.setLevel(numeric_log_level) # Create handlers handlers = _create_handlers( name=logger_name, terminal_log=terminal_log, file_log=file_log, file_name=file_name, file_max_bytes=file_max_bytes, file_backup_count=file_backup_count, email_on_warnings=email_on_warnings, email_on_errors=email_on_errors, ) # Set formatter and add handler formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s') for handler in handlers: handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler)
### Custom handler classes
[docs]class CustomSMTPHandler(SMTPHandler): """PyExpLabSys modified SMTP handler"""
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Custom emit that throttles the number of email sent""" email_log = EMAIL_TIMES[self.level] email_backlog = EMAIL_BACKLOG[self.level] now = time.time() # Get the time of the oldest email oldest_email_time = min(email_log) # If the oldest email was sent more than throttle time ago, allow this # one through if oldest_email_time < (now - EMAIL_THROTTLE_TIME): email_log.append(now) # If there is a backlog, add it to the message before sending if len(email_backlog) > 0: backlog = '\n'.join(email_backlog) # Explicitly convert record.msg to str to allow for # logging.exception() with exception as arg instead of msg record.msg = str(record.msg) + '\n\nBacklog:\n' + backlog email_backlog.clear() super(CustomSMTPHandler, self).emit(record) else: email_backlog.append(self.formatter.format(record))
[docs] def getSubject(self, record): """Returns subject with hostname""" base_subject = super(CustomSMTPHandler, self).getSubject(record) try: hostname = platform.node() # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: hostname = 'Unknown' return base_subject.format(hostname)
[docs]class CustomSMTPWarningHandler(CustomSMTPHandler): """Custom SMTP handler to emit record only if: warning =< level < error"""
[docs] def emit(self, record): """Custom emit that checks if: warning =< level < error""" if logging.WARNING <= record.levelno < logging.ERROR: super(CustomSMTPWarningHandler, self).emit(record)
### Random utils
[docs]def call_spec_string(): """Return the argument names and values of the method or function it was called from as a string Returns: str: The argument string, e.g: (name='hello', codenames=['aa', 'bb'], port=8000) """ # pylint: disable=protected-access frame = sys._getframe(1) argvals = inspect.getargvalues(frame) if argvals.args[0] == 'self': return inspect.formatargvalues(argvals.args[1:], *argvals[1:]) else: return inspect.formatargvalues(*argvals)