Source code for PyExpLabSys.common.sockets

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-lines,import-error
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The sockets module contains various implementations of UDP socket servers
(at present 4 in total) for transmission of data over the network. The
different implementations are tailored for a specific purposes, as described below.

In general, there is a distinction in the naming of the different socket server
implementation between **push** socket servers, that you can push data to, and
**pull** socket servers, that you can pull data from.

Presently the module contains the following socket servers:

 * **DateDataPullSocket** (:class:`.DateDataPullSocket`) This socket server is
   used to make continuous data
   (i.e. one-value data as function of time) available on the network. It
   identifies different data channels by codenames and has a timeout
   functionality to prevent serving old data to the client.
 * **DataPullSocket** (:class:`.DataPullSocket`) This socket is similar to the
   date data server, but is
   used to make x, y type data available on the network. It identifies
   different data channel by codenames and has timeout functionality to
   prevent serving old data.
 * **DataPushSocket** (:class:`.DataPushSocket`) This socket is used to recieve
   data from the network. The
   data is received in dictionary form and it identifies the data channels by
   codenames (keys) in the dictionaries. It will save the last point, and the
   last value for each codename. It also has the option to, for each received
   data set, to put them in a queue (that the user can then empty) or to call
   a callback function with the received data as en argument.
 * **LiveSocket** (:class:`.LiveSocket`) This socket is used only for serving
   data to the live socket server. It also is not actually a socket server
   like the others, but it has a similar interface.

.. note:: The module variable :data:`.DATA` is a dict shared for all socket
 servers started from this module. It contains all the data, queues, settings
 etc. It can be a good place to look if, to get a behind the scenes look at
 what is happening.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
import threading
import socket

    import SocketServer
except ImportError:
    # SocketServer was renamed in Python3
    import socketserver as SocketServer
import time
import json

    import Queue
except ImportError:
    # Queue was renamed to queue in Python 3
    import queue as Queue
import logging
import six
from .utilities import call_spec_string
from .system_status import SystemStatus
from ..settings import Settings
from .supported_versions import python2_and_3

# Instantiate module logger
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make the logger follow the logging setup from the caller

# Instantiate a global system status object
SYSTEM_STATUS = SystemStatus()

# Indicate Python 2/3

# Instantiate settings object
SETTINGS = Settings()
LOGGER.debug("Settings loaded with the following values: %s", SETTINGS.settings)

[docs]def bool_translate(string): """Returns boolean value from strings 'True' or 'False'""" if str(string) not in ['True', 'False']: message = ( 'Cannot translate the string \'{}\' to a boolean. Only the ' 'strings \'True\' or \'False\' are allowed'.format(string) ) raise ValueError(message) return True if str(string) == 'True' else False
[docs]def socket_server_status(): """Returns the status of all socket servers Returns: dict: Dict with port to status dict mapping. The status dict has the following keys: name, type, status (with str values) and since_last_activity with float value. """ status_dict = {} for port, data in DATA.items(): if data['activity']['check_activity']: since_last_activity = time.time() - data['activity']['last_activity'] if since_last_activity < data['activity']['activity_timeout']: status = 'OK' else: status = 'INACTIVE' else: status = 'DISABLED' since_last_activity = None status_dict[port] = { 'name': data['name'], 'type': data['type'], 'status': status, 'since_last_activity': since_last_activity, } return status_dict
PULLUHLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.PullUDPHandler') PULLUHLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class PullUDPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """Request handler for the :class:`.DateDataPullSocket` and :class:`.DateDataPullSocket` socket servers. The commands this request handler understands are documented in the :meth:`.handle` method. """
[docs] def handle(self): """Returns data corresponding to the request The handler understands the following commands: **COMMANDS** * **raw** (*str*): Returns all values on the form ``x1,y1;x2,y2`` in the order the codenames was given to the :meth:`.DateDataPullSocket.__init__` or :meth:`.DataPullSocket.__init__` method * **json** (*str*): Return all values as a list of points (which in themselves are lists) e.g: ``[[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]``), contained in a :py:mod:`json` string. The order is the same as in ``raw``. * **raw_wn** (*str*): (wn = with names) Same as raw but with names, e.g. ``codenam1:x1,y1;codename2:x2,y2``. The order is the same as in ``raw``. * **json_wn** (*str*): (wn = with names) Return all data as a :py:class:`dict` contained in a :py:mod:`json` string. In the dict the keys are the codenames. * **codename#raw** (*str*): Return the value for ``codename`` on the form ``x,y`` * **codename#json** (*str*): Return the value for ``codename`` as a list (e.g ``[x1, y1]``) contained in a :py:mod:`json` string * **codenames_raw** (*str*): Return the list of codenames on the form ``name1,name2`` * **codenames_json** (*str*): Return a list of the codenames contained in a :py:mod:`json` string * **name** (*str*): Return the name of the socket server * **status** (*str*): Return the system status and status for all socket servers. """ command = self.request[0].decode('ascii') # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.port = self.server.server_address[1] sock = self.request[1] PULLUHLOG.debug( 'Request \'%s\' received from %s on port %s', command, self.client_address, self.port, ) if command.count('#') == 1: data = self._single_value(command) else: # The "name" and "status" commands are also handled here data = self._all_values(command) sock.sendto(data.encode('ascii'), self.client_address) PULLUHLOG.debug('Sent back \'%s\' to %s', data, self.client_address)
def _single_value(self, command): """Returns a string for a single point Args: command (str): Complete command Returns: str: The data as a string (or an error) to be sent back """ PULLUHLOG.debug('Parsing single value command: %s', command) name, command = command.split('#') # Return as raw string if command == 'raw' and name in DATA[self.port]['data']: if self._old_data(name): out = OLD_DATA else: out = '{},{}'.format(*DATA[self.port]['data'][name]) elif command == 'json' and name in DATA[self.port]['data']: if self._old_data(name): out = six.text_type(json.dumps(OLD_DATA)) else: out = six.text_type(json.dumps(DATA[self.port]['data'][name])) # The command is unknown else: out = UNKNOWN_COMMAND return out # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _all_values(self, command): """Returns a string for all points or names Args: command (str): Complete command Returns: str: The data as a string (or an error) to be sent back """ PULLUHLOG.debug('Parsing all-values command: %s', command) # Return a raw string with all measurements in codenames order if command == 'raw': strings = [] for codename in DATA[self.port]['codenames']: if self._old_data(codename): string = OLD_DATA else: string = '{},{}'.format(*DATA[self.port]['data'][codename]) strings.append(string) out = ';'.join(strings) # Return a json encoded string with list of all measurements elif command == 'json': points = [] for codename in DATA[self.port]['codenames']: if self._old_data(codename): data = OLD_DATA else: data = DATA[self.port]['data'][codename] points.append(data) out = six.text_type(json.dumps(points)) # Return a raw string with all measurements in codenames order including names elif command == 'raw_wn': strings = [] for codename in DATA[self.port]['codenames']: if self._old_data(codename): string = '{}:{}'.format(codename, OLD_DATA) else: string = '{}:{},{}'.format( codename, *DATA[self.port]['data'][codename] ) strings.append(string) out = ';'.join(strings) # Return a copy of the data dict encoded as a json string elif command == 'json_wn': datacopy = dict(DATA[self.port]['data']) for codename in DATA[self.port]['codenames']: if self._old_data(codename): datacopy[codename] = OLD_DATA out = six.text_type(json.dumps(datacopy)) # Return all codesnames in a raw string elif command == 'codenames_raw': out = ','.join(DATA[self.port]['codenames']) # Return a list with all codenames encoded as a json string elif command == 'codenames_json': out = six.text_type(json.dumps(DATA[self.port]['codenames'])) # Return the socket server name elif command == 'name': out = DATA[self.port]['name'] # Return status of system and all socket servers elif command == 'status': out = six.text_type( json.dumps( { 'system_status': SYSTEM_STATUS.complete_status(), 'socket_server_status': socket_server_status(), } ) ) # The command is not known else: out = UNKNOWN_COMMAND return out def _old_data(self, codename): """Checks if the data for codename has timed out Args: codename (str): The codename whose data should be checked for timeout Returns: bool: Whether the data is too old or not """ PULLUHLOG.debug('Check if data for \'%s\' is too old', codename) now = time.time() if DATA[self.port]['type'] == 'date': timeout = DATA[self.port]['timeouts'].get(codename) if timeout is None: out = False else: point_time = DATA[self.port]['data'][codename][0] out = now - point_time > timeout elif DATA[self.port]['type'] == 'data': timeout = DATA[self.port]['timeouts'].get(codename) if timeout is None: out = False else: timestamp = DATA[self.port]['timestamps'][codename] out = now - timestamp > timeout else: message = ( 'Checking for timeout is not yet implemented for type ' '\'{}\''.format(DATA[self.port]['type']) ) PULLUHLOG.error(message) raise NotImplementedError(message) return out
CDPULLSLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.CommonDataPullSocket') CDPULLSLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class CommonDataPullSocket(threading.Thread): """Abstract class that implements common data pull socket functionality. This common class is responsible for: * Initializing the thread * Checking the inputs * Starting the socket server with the correct handler * Initializing DATA with common attributes """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs] def __init__( self, name, codenames, port, default_x, default_y, timeouts, check_activity, activity_timeout, init_timeouts=True, handler_class=PullUDPHandler, ): """Initializes internal variables and data structure in the :data:`.DATA` module variable Args: name (str): The name of the DataPullSocket server. Used for identification and therefore should contain enough information about location and purpose to unambiguously identify the socket server. E.g: ``'DataPullSocket with data from giant laser on the moon'`` codenames (list): List of codenames for the measurements. The names must be unique and cannot contain the characters: ``#,;:`` and SPACE port (int): Network port to use for the socket (deafult 9010) default_x (float): The x value the measurements are initiated with default_y (float): The y value the measurements are initiated with timeouts (float or list of floats): The timeouts (in seconds as floats) the determines when the date data socket regards the data as being to old and reports that. If a list of timeouts is supplied there must be one value for each codename and in the same order. init_timeouts (bool): Whether timeouts should be instantiated in the :data:`.DATA` module variable handler_class (Sub-class of SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): The UDP handler to use in the server check_activity (bool): Whether the socket server should monitor activity. What detemines activity is described in the derived socket servers. activity_timeout (float or int): The timespan in seconds which constitutes in-activity """'Initialize with: %s', call_spec_string()) # Init thread super(CommonDataPullSocket, self).__init__() self.daemon = True # Init local data self.port = port # Check for existing servers on this port if port in DATA: message = 'A UDP server already exists on port: {}'.format(port) CDPULLSLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Check and possibly convert timeout if hasattr(timeouts, '__len__'): if len(timeouts) != len(codenames): message = ( 'If a list of timeouts is supplied, it must have ' 'as many items as there are in codenames' ) CDPULLSLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) timeouts = list(timeouts) else: # If only a single value is given turn it into a list timeouts = [timeouts] * len(codenames) # Prepare DATA DATA[port] = { 'codenames': list(codenames), 'data': {}, 'name': name, 'activity': { 'check_activity': check_activity, 'activity_timeout': activity_timeout, 'last_activity': time.time(), }, } if init_timeouts: DATA[port]['timeouts'] = {} for name, timeout in zip(codenames, timeouts): # Check for duplicates if codenames.count(name) > 1: message = ( 'Codenames must be unique; \'{}\' is present more ' 'than once'.format(name) ) CDPULLSLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Check for bad characters in the name for char in BAD_CHARS: if char in name: message = ( 'The character \'{}\' is not allowed in the ' 'codenames'.format(char) ) CDPULLSLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Init the point DATA[port]['data'][name] = (default_x, default_y) if init_timeouts: DATA[port]['timeouts'][name] = timeout # Setup server try: self.server = SocketServer.UDPServer(('', port), handler_class) except socket.error as error: if error.errno == 98: # See custom exception message to understand this CDPULLSLOG.error('Port \'%s\' still reserved', port) raise PortStillReserved() else: raise error CDPULLSLOG.debug('Initialized')
[docs] def run(self): """Starts the UPD socket server"""'Run') self.server.serve_forever()'Run ended')
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the UDP server .. note:: Closing the server **and** deleting the socket server instance is necessary to free up the port for other usage """ CDPULLSLOG.debug('Stop requested') self.server.shutdown() # Wait 0.1 sec to prevent the interpreter from destroying the # environment before we are done if this is the last thread time.sleep(0.1) # Delete the data, to allow forming another socket on this port # print(DATA) del DATA[self.port] # print(DATA)'Stopped')
[docs] def poke(self): """Pokes the socket server to let it know that there is activity""" if DATA[self.port]['activity']['check_activity']: DATA[self.port]['activity']['last_activity'] = time.time()
DPULLSLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.DataPullSocket') DPULLSLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class DataPullSocket(CommonDataPullSocket): """This class implements a UDP socket server for serving x, y type data. The UDP server uses the :class:`.PullUDPHandler` class to handle the UDP requests. The commands that can be used with this socket server are documented in the :meth:`.PullUDPHandler.handle()` method. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, codenames, port=9010, default_x=0.0, default_y=0.0, timeouts=None, check_activity=True, activity_timeout=900, poke_on_set=True, ): """Initializes internal variables and UPD server For parameter description of ``name``, ``codenames``, ``port``, ``default_x``, ``default_y``, ``timeouts``, ``check_activity`` and ``activity_timeout`` see :meth:`.CommonDataPullSocket.__init__`. Args: poke_on_set (bool): Whether to poke the socket server when a point is set, to let it know there is activity """'Initialize with: %s', call_spec_string()) # Run super init to initialize thread, check input and initialize data super(DataPullSocket, self).__init__( name, codenames, port=port, default_x=default_x, default_y=default_y, timeouts=timeouts, check_activity=check_activity, activity_timeout=activity_timeout, ) DATA[port]['type'] = 'data' # Init timestamps DATA[port]['timestamps'] = {} for name in codenames: DATA[port]['timestamps'][name] = 0.0 DPULLSLOG.debug('Initialized') # Init poke_on_set self.poke_on_set = poke_on_set
[docs] def set_point(self, codename, point, timestamp=None): """Sets the current point for codename Args: codename (str): Name for the measurement whose current point should be set value (iterable): Current point as a list or tuple of 2 floats: [x, y] timestamp (float): A unix timestamp that indicates when the point was measured. If it is not set, it is assumed to be now. This value is used to evaluate if the point is new enough if timeouts are set. """ DATA[self.port]['data'][codename] = tuple(point) if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.time() DATA[self.port]['timestamps'][codename] = timestamp DPULLSLOG.debug('Point %s for \'%s\' set', tuple(point), codename) # Poke if required if DATA[self.port]['activity']['check_activity'] and self.poke_on_set: self.poke()
DDPULLSLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.DateDataPullSocket') DDPULLSLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class DateDataPullSocket(CommonDataPullSocket): """This class implements a UDP socket server for serving data as a function of time. The UDP server uses the :class:`.PullUDPHandler` class to handle the UDP requests. The commands that can be used with this socket server are documented in the :meth:`.PullUDPHandler.handle()` method. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, codenames, port=9000, default_x=0.0, default_y=0.0, timeouts=None, check_activity=True, activity_timeout=900, poke_on_set=True, ): """Init internal variavles and UPD server For parameter description of ``name``, ``codenames``, ``port``, ``default_x``, ``default_y``, ``timeouts``, ``check_activity`` and ``activity_timeout`` see :meth:`.CommonDataPullSocket.__init__`. Args: poke_on_set (bool): Whether to poke the socket server when a point is set, to let it know there is activity """'Initialize with: %s', call_spec_string()) # Run super init to initialize thread, check input and initialize data super(DateDataPullSocket, self).__init__( name, codenames, port=port, default_x=default_x, default_y=default_y, timeouts=timeouts, check_activity=check_activity, activity_timeout=activity_timeout, ) # Set the type DATA[port]['type'] = 'date' DDPULLSLOG.debug('Initialized') # Init poke_on_set self.poke_on_set = poke_on_set
[docs] def set_point_now(self, codename, value): """Sets the current y-value for codename using the current time as x Args: codename (str): Name for the measurement whose current value should be set value (float): y-value """ self.set_point(codename, (time.time(), value)) DDPULLSLOG.debug('Added time to value and called set_point')
[docs] def set_point(self, codename, point): """Sets the current point for codename Args: codename (str): Name for the measurement whose current point should be set point (iterable): Current point as a list (or tuple) of 2 floats: [x, y] """ DATA[self.port]['data'][codename] = tuple(point) DDPULLSLOG.debug('Point %s for \'%s\' set', tuple(point), codename) # Poke if required if DATA[self.port]['activity']['check_activity'] and self.poke_on_set: self.poke()
PUSHUHLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.PushUDPHandler') PUSHUHLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class PushUDPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """This class handles the UDP requests for the :class:`.DataPushSocket`"""
[docs] def handle(self): """Sets data corresponding to the request The handler understands the following commands: **COMMANDS** * **json_wn#data** (*str*): Json with names. The data should be a JSON encoded dict with codename->value content. A complete command could look like:\n ``'json_wn#{"greeting": "Live long and prosper", "number": 47}'`` * **raw_wn#data** (*str*): Raw with names. The data should be a string with data on the following format: ``codename1:type:data;codename2:type:data;...`` where ``type`` is the type of the data and can be one of ``'int'``, ``'float'``, ``'str'`` and ``'bool'``. NOTE; that neither the names or any data strings can contain any of the characters in :data:`.BAD_CHARS`. The ``data`` is a comma separated list of data items of that type. If there is more than one, they will be put in a list. An example of a complete raw_wn string could look like:\n ``'raw_wn#greeting:str:Live long and prosper;numbers:int:47,42'`` * **name** (*str*): Return the name of the PushSocket server * **status** (*str*): Return the system status and status for all socket servers. * **commands** (*str*): Return a json encoded list of commands. The returns value is is prefixed with :data:`.PUSH_RET` and '#' so e.g. 'RET#actual_date' """ request = self.request[0].decode('ascii') PUSHUHLOG.debug('Request \'%s\'received', request) # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.port = self.server.server_address[1] sock = self.request[1] # Parse the request and call the appropriate helper methods if request == 'name': return_value = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, DATA[self.port]['name']) elif request == 'commands': commands = ['json_wn#', 'raw_wn#', 'name', 'status', 'commands'] return_value = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, json.dumps(commands)) elif request == 'status': return_value = six.text_type( json.dumps( { 'system_status': SYSTEM_STATUS.complete_status(), 'socket_server_status': socket_server_status(), } ) ) elif request.count('#') != 1: return_value = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_ERROR, UNKNOWN_COMMAND) else: # Parse a command on the form command#data command, data = request.split('#') try: if command == 'json_wn': return_value = self._json_with_names(data) elif command == 'raw_wn': return_value = self._raw_with_names(data) else: return_value = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_ERROR, UNKNOWN_COMMAND) # Several of the helper methods will raise ValueError on wrong # input except ValueError as exception: return_value = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_ERROR, str(exception)) PUSHUHLOG.debug('Send back: %s', return_value) sock.sendto(return_value.encode('ascii'), self.client_address)
def _raw_with_names(self, data): """Adds raw data to the queue""" PUSHUHLOG.debug('Parse raw with names: %s', data) data_out = {} # Split in data parts e.g: 'codenam1:type:dat1,dat2'. NOTE if no data # is passed (data is ''), the split will return '', which will make # .split(':') fail for part in data.split(';'): # Split the part up try: codename, data_type, data_string = part.split(':') except ValueError: message = ( 'The data part \'{}\' did not match the expected ' 'format of 3 parts divided by \':\''.format(part) ) PUSHUHLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Parse the type try: type_function = TYPE_FROM_STRING[data_type] except KeyError: message = ( 'The data type \'{}\' is unknown. Only {} are ' 'allowed'.format(data_type, TYPE_FROM_STRING.keys()) ) PUSHUHLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Convert the data try: data_converted = list( [type_function(dat) for dat in data_string.split(',')] ) except ValueError as exception: message = 'Unable to convert values to \'{}\'. Error is: {}'.format( data_type, str(exception) ) PUSHUHLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Remove list for length 1 data if len(data_converted) == 1: data_converted = data_converted[0] # Inset the data data_out[codename] = data_converted # Set data and return ACK message return self._set_data(data_out) def _json_with_names(self, data): """Adds json encoded data to the data queue""" PUSHUHLOG.debug('Parse json with names: %s', data) try: data_dict = json.loads(data) except ValueError: message = 'The string \'{}\' could not be decoded as JSON'.format(data) PUSHUHLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Check type (normally not done, but we want to be sure) if not isinstance(data_dict, dict): message = ( 'The object \'{}\' returned after decoding the JSON ' 'string is not a dict'.format(data_dict) ) PUSHUHLOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) # Set data and return ACK message return self._set_data(data_dict) def _set_data(self, data): """Sets the data in 'last' and 'updated' and enqueue and/or make callback call if the action requires it Args: data (dict): The data set to set/enqueue/callback Returns: (str): The request return value """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Set data: %s', data) timestamp = time.time() DATA[self.port]['last'] = data DATA[self.port]['last_time'] = timestamp DATA[self.port]['updated'].update(data) DATA[self.port]['updated_time'] = timestamp # Put the data in queue for actions that require that if DATA[self.port]['action'] in ['enqueue', 'callback_async']: DATA[self.port]['queue'].put(data) # Execute the callback for actions that require that. Notice, the # different branches determines which output format gets send back # ACKnowledge or RETurn (value on callback) if DATA[self.port]['action'] == 'callback_direct': try: # Call the callback return_value = DATA[self.port]['callback'](data) # Format the return value depending on return_format if DATA[self.port]['return_format'] == 'json': out = self._format_return_json(return_value) elif DATA[self.port]['return_format'] == 'raw': out = self._format_return_raw(return_value) elif DATA[self.port]['return_format'] == 'string': out = self._format_return_string(return_value) else: # The return format values should be checked on # instantiation message = 'Bad return format. REPORT AS BUG.' out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_ERROR, message) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as exception: # Catch anything it might raise out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_EXCEP, str(exception)) else: # Return the ACK message with the interpreted data out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_ACK, data) return out @staticmethod def _format_return_json(value): """Formats the return value as json Args: value (json serializable): The data structure to serialize with JSON Returns: (str): The request return value """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Format return json: %s', value) try: out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, json.dumps(value)) except TypeError as exception: out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_EXCEP, str(exception)) return out @staticmethod def _format_return_string(value): """Formats the return value as a string Args: value (str): Anything with a str representation. The expected type IS a str, in which what will be returned is the str itself Returns: (str): The request return value """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Format return string: %s', value) try: out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, str(value)) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Have no idea, maybe attribute error out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_EXCEP, str(exception)) return out def _format_return_raw(self, argument): """Formats the value argument in raw format. When used as a return value the raw format accepts two argument structures. ``argument`` can either be a dict, where the keys are strs and the values are simple types or lists with elements of the same simple type. This will turn: {'answer': 42, 'values': [42, 47], 'answer_good': False} into: 'answer:int:42;values:int:42,47:answer_good:bool:False' The other possibility is that ``argument`` is a list of lists. This structure is suitable e.g. for passing a list of points. In this case all values in the structure must be of the same simple type. This will turn: [[7.0, 42.0], [7.5, 45.5], [8.0, 47.0]] into: '7.0,42.0&7.5,45.5&8.0,47.0' See the :meth:`.handle` method for details. Ars: argument (dict or list): The values to to convert Returns: str: The request return value """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Format return raw: %s', argument) try: if argument is None: out = '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, 'None') elif isinstance(argument, dict): out = self._format_return_raw_dict(argument) elif isinstance(argument, list): out = self._format_return_raw_list(argument) else: message = ( 'Return value must be a dict or list with return ' 'format \'raw\'' ) raise ValueError(message) # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception as exception: message = 'Raw conversion failed with message' out = '{}#{}:{}'.format(PUSH_EXCEP, message, str(exception)) return out @staticmethod def _format_return_raw_dict(argument): """Formats return raw value which is a dict. See :meth:`._format_return_raw` for details Args: argument (dict): The dict to be serialized manually Returns: str: The dict raw serialization string """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Format return raw dict: %s', argument) # Items holds the strings for each key, value pair e.g. # 'codename1:type:data' items = [] # Manually serializing is ugly ...! and probably error prone :( Where # possible use JSON, where people smarter than me have though about # corner cases for key, value in argument.items(): if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) > 0: # Check all values in list are of same type types = [type(element) for element in value] element_type = types[0] element_type_name = six.text_type(element_type.__name__) if types != len(types) * [element_type]: message = ( 'With return format raw, value in list must have same type' ) raise ValueError(message) value_string = ','.join([str(element) for element in value]) elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0: # An empty list gets turned into type='', value='' element_type_name = '' value_string = '' else: # Single element conversion element_type_name = six.text_type(type(value).__name__) value_string = '{}'.format(str(value)) # We always call it str if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and element_type_name == 'unicode': element_type_name = 'str' # Check that the element type makes sense for raw conversion if element_type_name not in ['int', 'float', 'bool', 'str']: message = ( 'With return format raw, the item type can ' 'only be one of \'int\', \'float\', \'bool\' and ' '\'str\'. Object: \'{}\' is of type: {}'.format( value, element_type_name ) ) raise TypeError(message) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member item_str = '{}:{}:{}'.format(str(key), element_type_name, value_string) items.append(item_str) return '{}#{}'.format(PUSH_RET, ';'.join(items)) @staticmethod def _format_return_raw_list(argument): """Formats return raw value which is a list of lists. See :meth:`._format_return_raw` for details Args: argument (list): The list of lists to be raw serialized Returns str: The raw serialized string """ PUSHUHLOG.debug('Format return raw list: %s', argument) types = [] # List of strings with points as x,y items = [] for item in argument: if not isinstance(item, list): message = ( 'With return format raw on a list, the elements ' 'themselves be lists' ) raise ValueError(message) types += [type(element) for element in item] converted = [str(element) for element in item] items.append(','.join(converted)) # Check that they are all of same type element_type = types[0] if types != len(types) * [element_type]: message = ( 'With return format raw on a list of lists, all values ' ' in list must have same type. Types are: {}'.format(types) ) raise ValueError(message) # Check that the element type makes sense for raw conversion if element_type not in [int, float, bool, str]: message = ( 'With return format raw, the item type can only be one ' 'of \'int\', \'float\', \'bool\' and \'str\'. The type is: {}'.format( element_type ) ) raise TypeError(message) return '{}#{}:{}'.format(PUSH_RET, element_type.__name__, '&'.join(items))
DPUSHSLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.DataPushSocket') DPUSHSLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class DataPushSocket(threading.Thread): """This class implements a data push socket and provides options for enqueuing, calling back or doing nothing on reciept of data """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs] def __init__( self, name, port=8500, action='store_last', queue=None, callback=None, return_format='json', check_activity=False, activity_timeout=900, ): """Initializes the DataPushSocket Arguments: name (str): The name of the socket server. Used for identification and therefore should contain enough information about location and purpose to unambiguously identify the socket server. E.g: ``'Driver push socket for giant laser on the moon'`` port (int): The network port to start the socket server on (default is 8500) action (string): Determined the action performed on incoming data. The possible values are: * ``'store_last'`` (default and always) the incoming data will be stored, as a dict, only in the two properties; :attr:`~.last` and :attr:`~.updated`, where :attr:`~.last` contains only the data from the last reception and :attr:`~.updated` contains the newest value for each codename that has been received ever. Saving to these two properties **will always be done**, also with the other actions. * ``'enqueue'``; the incoming data will also be enqueued * ``'callback_async'`` a callback function will also be called with the incoming data as an argument. The calls to the callback function will in this case happen asynchronously in a seperate thread * ``'callback_direct'`` a callback function will also be called and the result will be returned, provided it has a str representation. The return value format can be set with ``return_format`` queue (Queue.Queue): If action is 'enqueue' and this value is set, it will be used as the data queue instead the default which is a new :py:class:`Queue.Queue` instance without any further configuration. callback (callable): A callable that will be called on incoming data. The callable should accept a single argument that is the data as a dictionary. return_format (str): The return format used when sending callback return values back (used with the ``'callback_direct'`` action). The value can be: * ``'json'``, which, if possible, will send the value back encoded as json * ``'raw'`` which, if possible, will encode a dict of values, a list of lists or None. If it is a dict, each value may be a list of values with same type, in the same way as they are received with the ``'raw_wn'`` command in the :meth:`.PushUDPHandler.handle` method. If the return value is a list of lists (useful e.g. for several data points), then **all** values must be of the same type. The format sent back looks like: ``'1.0,42.0&1.5,45.6&2.0,47.0'``, where '&' separates the inner lists and ',' the points in those lists * ``'string'`` in which the string representation of the value the call back returns will be sent back. NOTE: These string representations may differ between Python 2 and 3, so do not parse them """'Initialize with: %s', call_spec_string()) # Init thread super(DataPushSocket, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self._stop = False # Init local data and action self.port = port self.action = action # Raise exception on invalid argument combinations if queue is not None and action != 'enqueue': message = ( 'The \'queue\' argument can only be used when the ' 'action is \'enqueue\'' ) raise ValueError(message) if callback is not None and action not in ['callback_async', 'callback_direct']: message = ( 'The \'callback\' argument can only be used when the ' 'action is \'callback_async\' or \'callback_direct\'' ) raise ValueError(message) if action in ['callback_async', 'callback_direct']: if not callable(callback): message = 'Value for callback: \'{}\' is not callable'.format(callback) raise ValueError(message) if return_format not in ['json', 'raw', 'string']: message = ( 'The \'return_format\' argument may only be one of the ' '\'json\', \'raw\' or \'string\' values' ) raise ValueError(message) # Set callback and queue depending on action self._callback_thread = None content = { 'action': action, 'last': None, 'type': 'push', 'updated': {}, 'last_time': None, 'updated_time': None, 'name': name, 'activity': { 'check_activity': check_activity, 'activity_timeout': activity_timeout, 'last_activity': time.time(), }, } if action == 'store_last': pass elif action == 'enqueue': if queue is None: content['queue'] = Queue.Queue() else: content['queue'] = queue elif action == 'callback_async': content['queue'] = Queue.Queue() self._callback_thread = CallBackThread(content['queue'], callback) elif action == 'callback_direct': content['callback'] = callback content['return_format'] = return_format else: message = ( 'Unknown action \'{}\'. Must be one of: [\'store_last\', \'enqueue\', ' '\'callback_async\', \'callback_direct\']'.format(action) ) raise ValueError(message) # Setup server try: self.server = SocketServer.UDPServer(('', port), PushUDPHandler) except socket.error as error: if error.errno == 98: # See custom exception message to understand this raise PortStillReserved() else: raise error # Only put this socket in the DATA variable, if we succeed in # initializing it DATA[port] = content DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: Initialized')
[docs] def run(self): """Starts the UPD socket server"""'DPS: Start') if self._callback_thread is not None: self._callback_thread.start() self.server.serve_forever()'DPS: Run ended')
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the UDP socket server .. note:: Closing the server **and** deleting the :py:class:`SocketServer.UDPServer` socket instance is necessary to free up the port for other usage """ DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: Stop requested') if self._callback_thread is not None: self._callback_thread.stop() time.sleep(0.1) self.server.shutdown() # Wait 0.1 sec to prevent the interpreter from destroying the # environment before we are done time.sleep(0.1) # Delete the data, to allow forming another socket on this port del DATA[self.port]'DPS: Stopped')
@property def queue(self): """Gets the queue, returns None if ``action`` is ``'store_last'`` or ``'callback_direct'`` """ DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: queue property used') return DATA[self.port].get('queue') @property def last(self): """Gets a copy of the last data Returns tuple: ``(last_data_time, last_data)`` where ``last_data`` is the data from the last reception and ``last_data_time`` is the Unix timestamp of that reception. Returns ``(None, None)`` if no data has been recieved. """ DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: last property used') if DATA[self.port]['last'] is None: last = DATA[self.port]['last'] else: last = DATA[self.port]['last'].copy() return DATA[self.port]['last_time'], last @property def updated(self): """Gets a copy of the updated total data, returns empty dict if no data has been received yet Returns: tuple: ``(updated_data_time, updated_data)`` where ``updated_data`` is the total updated data after the last reception and ``updated_data_time`` is the Unix timestamp of that reception. Returns ``(None, {})`` if no data has been recieved. """ DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: updated property used') return (DATA[self.port]['updated_time'], DATA[self.port]['updated'].copy())
[docs] def set_last_to_none(self): """Sets the last data point and last data point time to None""" DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: Set last to none') DATA[self.port]['last'] = None DATA[self.port]['last_time'] = None
[docs] def clear_updated(self): """Clears the total updated data and set the time of last update to None """ DPUSHSLOG.debug('DPS: Clear updated') DATA[self.port]['updated'].clear() DATA[self.port]['updated_time'] = None
[docs] def poke(self): """Pokes the socket server to let it know that there is activity""" if DATA[self.port]['activity']['check_activity']: DATA[self.port]['activity']['last_activity'] = time.time()
CBTLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.CallBackThread') CBTLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class CallBackThread(threading.Thread): """Class to handle the calling back for a DataReceiveSocket"""
[docs] def __init__(self, queue, callback): """Initialize the local variables Args: queue (Queue.Queue): The queue that queues up the arguments for the callback function callback (callable): The callable that will be called when there are items in the queue """'Initialize with: %s', call_spec_string()) # Initialize the thread super(CallBackThread, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self._stop = False # Set variables self.queue = queue self.callback = callback CBTLOG.debug('CBT: Initialized')
[docs] def run(self): """Starts the calling back"""'CBT: Run') while not self._stop: # get a item from the queue and call back try: # The get times out every second, to make sure that the thread # can be shut down item = self.queue.get(True, 1) self.callback(item) CBTLOG.debug('CBT: Callback called with arg: %s', item) except Queue.Empty: pass'CBT: Run stopped')
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the calling back""" CBTLOG.debug('CBT: Stop requested') self._stop = True'CBT: Stopped')
[docs]class PortStillReserved(Exception): """Custom exception to explain socket server port still reserved even after closing the port """
[docs] def __init__(self): message = ( 'Even when a socket server has been requested ' 'closed, the socket module will still keep it reserved for some ' 'time (maybe up to a minute), to allow for clearing up lower ' 'level networking components. If it is required to open and ' 'close socket servers fast on the same ports, this behavior can ' 'be changed by invoking:' '\n import SocketServer' '\n SocketServer.UDPServer.allow_reuse_address = True' '\nbefore instantiation.' ) super(PortStillReserved, self).__init__(message)
LSLOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.LiveSocket') LSLOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class LiveSocket(object): """This class implements a Live Socket As of version 2 LiveSocket there are a few new features to note: 1. There is now support for values of any json-able object. The values can of course only be shown in a graph if they are numbers, but all other types can be shown in a table. 2. There is now support for generic xy data. Simply use :meth:`.set_point` or :meth:`set_batch` and give it x, y values. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, codenames, live_server=None, no_internal_data_pull_socket=False, internal_data_pull_socket_port=8000, ): """Intialize the LiveSocket Args: name (str): The name of the socket codenames (sequence): The codenames for the different data channels on this LiveSocket live_server (sequence): 2 element sequence of hostname and port for the live server to connect to. Defaults to `(Settings.common_liveserver_host, Settings.common_liveserver_host)`. no_internal_data_pull_socket (bool): Whether to not open an internal DataPullSocket. Defaults to False. See note below. internal_data_pull_socket_port (int): Port for the internal DataPullSocket. Defaults to 8000. See note below. .. note:: In general, any socket should also work as a status socket. But since the new design of the live socket, it no longers runs a UDP server, as would be required for it to work as a status socket. Therefore, LiveSocket now internally runs a DataPullSocket on port 8000 (that was the old LiveSocket port) to work as a status socket. With default setting, everything should work as before. """'Init') self.codename_set = set(codenames) if live_server is None: live_server = ( SETTINGS.common_liveserver_host, SETTINGS.common_liveserver_port, ) liveserver_hostname, self.liveserver_port = live_server # Translate live server hostname to IP-address to avoid DNS lookup on every # transmission self.liveserver_ip = socket.gethostbyname(liveserver_hostname) # Open up UDP socket and get hostname og this machine self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # A live socket exposes a DataPullSocket, since we expect to always have access to # the system information, and because, since we have all the information there # anyway, there is not reason not to make it available in a socket if no_internal_data_pull_socket: self._internal_pull_socket = None else: self._internal_pull_socket = DataPullSocket( name, codenames, port=internal_data_pull_socket_port )
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the internal DataPullSocket""" if self._internal_pull_socket: self._internal_pull_socket.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the internal DataPullSocket""" if self._internal_pull_socket: self._internal_pull_socket.stop()
[docs] def set_batch(self, data): """Set a batch of points now Args: data (dict): Batch of data on the form {codename1: (x1, y1), codename2: (x2, y2)}. Note, that for the live socket system, the y values need not be data in the form of a float, it can also be an int, bool or str. This is done to make it possible to also transmit e.g. equipment status to the live pages. .. note:: All data is sent to the live socket proxy and onwards to the web browser clients as batches, so if the data is on batch form, might as well send it as such and reduce the number of transmissions. """ # Set the values on the DataPullSocket for key, value in data.items(): if key not in self.codename_set: message = 'The codename: \'{}\' is not registered'.format(key) LSLOG.error(message) raise RuntimeError(message) if self._internal_pull_socket: self._internal_pull_socket.set_point(key, value) # Send the data to the live socket proxy dump = json.dumps({'host': self.hostname, 'data': data}) self.socket.sendto( dump.encode('utf-8'), (self.liveserver_ip, self.liveserver_port) )
[docs] def set_batch_now(self, data): """Set a batch of point now Args: data (dict): A mapping of codenames to values without times or x-values (see example below) The format for data is:: {'measurement1': 47.0, 'measurement2': 42.0} """ now = time.time() self.set_batch({key: (now, value) for key, value in data.items()})
[docs] def set_point_now(self, codename, value): """Sets the current value for codename using the current time as x Args: codename (str): Name for the measurement whose current value should be set value (float, int, bool or str): value """ self.set_batch({codename: (time.time(), value)}) LSLOG.debug('Added time to value and called set_point')
[docs] def set_point(self, codename, point): """Sets the current point for codename Args: codename (str): Name for the measurement whose current point should be set point (list or tuple): Current value "point" as a list (or tuple) of items, the first must be a float, the second can be float, int, bool or str """ self.set_batch({codename: point}) LSLOG.debug('Point %s for \'%s\' set', tuple(point), codename)
[docs] def reset(self, codenames): """Send the reset signal for codenames Args: codenames (list): List of codenames """ self.set_batch({codename: 'RESET' for codename in codenames})
### Module variables #: The list of characters that are not allowed in code names BAD_CHARS = ['#', ',', ';', ':', '&'] #: The string returned if an unknown command is sent to the socket UNKNOWN_COMMAND = 'UNKNOWN_COMMMAND' #: The string used to indicate old or obsoleted data OLD_DATA = 'OLD_DATA' #: The answer prefix used when a push failed PUSH_ERROR = 'ERROR' #: The answer prefix used when a push succeds PUSH_ACK = 'ACK' #: The answer prefix for when a callback or callback value formatting produces #: an exception PUSH_EXCEP = 'EXCEP' #: The answer prefix for a callback return value PUSH_RET = 'RET' #:The variable used to contain all the data. #: #:The format of the DATA variable is the following. The DATA variable is a #:dict, where each key is an integer port number and the value is the data for #:the socket server on that port. The data for each individual socket server is #:always a dict, but the contained values will depend on which kind of socket #:server it is, Examples below. #: #:For a :class:`DateDataPullSocket` the dict will resemble this example: #: #: .. code-block:: python #: #: {'activity': {'activity_timeout': 900, #: 'check_activity': True, #: 'last_activity': 1413983209.82526}, #: 'codenames': ['var1'], #: 'data': {'var1': (0.0, 0.0)}, #: 'name': 'my_socket', #: 'timeouts': {'var1': None}, #: 'type': 'date'} #: #:For a :class:`DataPullSocket` the dict will resemble this example: #: #: .. code-block:: python #: #: {'activity': {'activity_timeout': 900, #: 'check_activity': True, #: 'last_activity': 1413983209.825451}, #: 'codenames': ['var1'], #: 'data': {'var1': (0.0, 0.0)}, #: 'name': 'my_data_socket', #: 'timeouts': {'var1': None}, #: 'timestamps': {'var1': 0.0}, #: 'type': 'data'} #: #:For a :class:`DataPushSocket` the dict will resemble this example: #: #: .. code-block:: python #: #: {'action': 'store_last', #: 'activity': {'activity_timeout': 900, #: 'check_activity': False, #: 'last_activity': 1413983209.825681}, #: 'last': None, #: 'last_time': None, #: 'name': 'my_push_socket', #: 'type': 'push', #: 'updated': {}, #: 'updated_time': None} #: DATA = {} #: The dict that transforms strings to convertion functions TYPE_FROM_STRING = {'int': int, 'float': float, 'str': str, 'bool': bool_translate}
[docs]def run_module(): """This functions sets""" import math def push_callback(incoming): """Calback function for the push socket""" print('Push socket got:', incoming) push_socket = DataPushSocket( 'module_test_push_socket', action='callback_direct', callback=push_callback ) push_socket.start() print('Started DataPushSocket on port 8500 with name "module_test_push_socket"') live_socket = LiveSocket( 'dummy_live_socket', codenames=('dummy_sine_one', 'dummy_sine_two'), no_internal_data_pull_socket=True, ) live_socket.start() print('Started live_socket. Using hostname {}'.format(live_socket.hostname)) try: while True: print('Send new points live socket') live_socket.set_point_now('dummy_sine_one', math.sin(time.time())) live_socket.set_point_now('dummy_sine_two', math.sin(time.time() + math.pi)) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: push_socket.stop() print('Stopped DataPushSocket on port 8500 with name "module_test_push_socket"') live_socket.stop() print('Stopped LiveSocket') time.sleep(2)
if __name__ == '__main__': run_module()