Source code for PyExpLabSys.common.loggers

# pylint: disable=R0902,R0903,R0913

""" This module contains convinience classes for database logging. The classes
implement queues to contain the data before of loading to the database to
ensure against network or server problems.

    import Queue as queue
except ImportError:
    import queue
import threading
import time
import logging

    import MySQLdb

    SQL = 'mysqldb'
except ImportError:
    import pyodbc

    SQL = 'pyodbc'
    ODBC_PROGRAMMING_ERROR = pyodbc.ProgrammingError

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Make the logger follow the logging setup from the caller

[docs]class NoneResponse: """NoneResponse"""
[docs] def __init__(self): LOGGER.debug('NoneResponse class instantiated')
#: Module variable used to indicate a none response, currently is an instance #: if NoneResponse NONE_RESPONSE = NoneResponse()
[docs]class InterruptableThread(threading.Thread): """Class to run a MySQL query with a time out"""
[docs] def __init__(self, cursor, query): LOGGER.debug('InterruptableThread.__init__ start') threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cursor = cursor self.query = query self.result = NONE_RESPONSE self.daemon = True LOGGER.debug('InterruptableThread.__init__ end')
[docs] def run(self): """Start the thread""" LOGGER.debug(' start') self.cursor.execute(self.query) if SQL == 'mysqldb': self.result = self.cursor.fetchall() else: try: self.result = self.cursor.fetchall() except ODBC_PROGRAMMING_ERROR: self.result = None LOGGER.debug( ' end. Executed query: {}' ''.format(self.query) )
[docs]def timeout_query(cursor, query, timeout_duration=3): """Run a mysql query with a timeout Args: cursor (MySQL cursor): The database cursor query (str): The query to execute timeout_duration (int): The timeout duration Returns (tuple or :data:`NONE_RESPONSE`): A tuple of results from the query or :py:data:`NONE_RESPONSE` if the query timed out """ LOGGER.debug('timeout_query start') # Spawn a thread for the query query_thread = InterruptableThread(cursor, query) # Start and join query_thread.start() query_thread.join(timeout_duration) LOGGER.debug('timeout_query end') return query_thread.result
[docs]class StartupException(Exception): """Exception raised when the continous logger fails to start up"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): LOGGER.debug( 'StartupException instantiated with args, kwargs: {}, {}' ''.format(str(args), str(kwargs)) ) super(StartupException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ContinuousLogger(threading.Thread): """A logger for continous data as a function of datetime. The class can ONLY be used with the new layout of tables for continous data, where there is only one table per setup, as apposed to the old layout where there was one table per measurement type per setup. The class sends data to the ``cinfdata`` database at host ``servcinf-sql``. :var host: Database host, value is ``servcinf-sql``. :var database: Database name, value is ``cinfdata``. """ host = '' database = 'cinfdata'
[docs] def __init__( self, table, username, password, measurement_codenames, dequeue_timeout=1, reconnect_waittime=60, dsn=None, ): """Initialize the continous logger Args: table (str): The table to log data to username (str): The MySQL username (must have write rights to ``table``) password (str): The password for ``user`` in the database measurement_codenames (list): List of measurement codenames that this logger will send data to dequeue_timeout (float): The timeout (in seconds) for dequeueing an element, which also constitutes the max time to shutdown after the thread has been asked to stop. Default is 1. reconnect_waittime (float): Time to wait (in seconds) in between attempts to re-connect to the MySQL database, if the connection has been lost dsn (str): DSN name of ODBC connection, used on Windows only Raises: StartupException: If it is not possible to start the database connection or translate the code names """ deprecation_warning = ( 'DEPRECATION WARNING: The ' 'PyExpLabSys.common.loggers.ContinuousLogger class is deprecated. Please ' 'instead use the PyExpLabSys.common.database_saver.ContinuousDataSaver class ' 'instead.' ) print(deprecation_warning)'CL: __init__ called') # Initialize thread super(ContinuousLogger, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self._stop = False LOGGER.debug('CL: thread initialized') # Initialize local variables self.mysql = { 'table': table, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'dsn': dsn, } self._dequeue_timeout = dequeue_timeout self._reconnect_waittime = reconnect_waittime self._cursor = None self._connection = None self.data_queue = queue.Queue() LOGGER.debug('CL: instance attributes initialized') # Dict used to translate code_names to measurement numbers self._codename_translation = {} # Init database connection, allow for the system not fully up database_up = False db_connection_starttime = time.time() while not database_up: try: LOGGER.debug('CL: Try to open database connection') self._init_connection() database_up = True except StartupException: if time.time() - db_connection_starttime > 300: raise LOGGER.debug('CL: Database connection not formed, retry in 20 sec') time.sleep(20) # Get measurement numbers from codenames self._init_measurement_numbers(measurement_codenames)'CL: __init__ done')
def _init_connection(self): """Initialize the database connection.""" try: if SQL == 'mysqldb': self._connection = MySQLdb.connect(, user=self.mysql['username'], passwd=self.mysql['password'], db=self.database, ) else: connect_string = 'DSN={}'.format(self.mysql['dsn']) self._connection = pyodbc.connect(connect_string) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor()'CL: Database connection initialized') except MySQLdb.OperationalError: message = 'Could not connect to database' LOGGER.warning('CL: ' + message) raise StartupException(message) def _init_measurement_numbers(self, measurement_codenames): """Get the measurement numbers that corresponds to the measurement codenames """ LOGGER.debug('CL: init measurements numbers') for codename in measurement_codenames: query = ( 'SELECT id FROM dateplots_descriptions ' 'WHERE codename=\'{}\''.format(codename) ) LOGGER.debug('CL: Query: ' + query) self._cursor.execute(query) results = self._cursor.fetchall() LOGGER.debug( 'CL: query for {} returned {}' ''.format(codename, str(results)) ) if len(results) != 1: message = ( 'Measurement code name \'{}\' does not have exactly' ' one entry in dateplots_descriptions'.format(codename) ) LOGGER.critical('CL: ' + message) raise StartupException(message) self._codename_translation[codename] = results[0][0] 'Codenames translated to measurement numbers: {}' ''.format(str(self._codename_translation)) )
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the thread"""'CL: Set stop. Wait before returning') self._stop = True time.sleep(max(1, 1.2 * self._dequeue_timeout)) LOGGER.debug('CL: Stop finished')
[docs] def run(self): """Start the thread. Must be run before points are added.""" while not self._stop: try: point = self.data_queue.get(block=True, timeout=self._dequeue_timeout) result = self._send_point(point)'CL: Point "{}" dequeued and sent'.format(point)) if result is False: self.data_queue.put(point) LOGGER.debug('CL: Point could not be sent. Re-queued') self._reinit_connection() except queue.Empty: pass # When we stop the logger self._connection.close() 'Database connection closed. Remaining in queue: {}'.format( self.data_queue.qsize() ) )
def _send_point(self, point): """Send all points in the queue to the data base""" result = timeout_query(self._cursor, point) LOGGER.debug('CL: timeout_query called from send_point') # If the query was un successfully executed, put the points back in # the queue and raise and set succes to False success = False if (result is NONE_RESPONSE) else True return success def _reinit_connection(self): """Reinitialize the database connection""" database_up = False while not database_up: try: LOGGER.debug('CL: Try to re-open database connection') self._init_connection() database_up = True except StartupException: pass time.sleep(self._reconnect_waittime) LOGGER.debug('CL: Database connection re-opened')
[docs] def enqueue_point_now(self, codename, value): """Add a point to the queue and use the current time as the time Args: codename (str): The measurement codename that this point will be saved under value (float): The value to be logged Returns: float: The Unixtime used """ unixtime = time.time() LOGGER.debug('CL: Adding timestamp {} to point'.format(unixtime)) self.enqueue_point(codename, (unixtime, value)) return unixtime
[docs] def enqueue_point(self, codename, point): """Add a point to the queue Args: codename (str): The measurement codename that this point will be saved under point (iterable): Current point as a list (or tuple) of 2 floats: [x, y] """ try: unixtime, value = point except ValueError: message = '\'point\' must be a iterable with 2 values' raise ValueError(message) meas_number = self._codename_translation[codename] query = ( 'INSERT INTO {} (type, time, value) VALUES ' '({}, FROM_UNIXTIME({}), {});' ) query = query.format(self.mysql['table'], meas_number, unixtime, value) self.data_queue.put(query) 'CL: Point ({}, {}, {}) added to queue. Queue size: {}' ''.format(codename, unixtime, value, self.data_queue.qsize()) )