Source code for PyExpLabSys.common.database_saver

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-instance-attributes,no-member

"""Classes for saving coninuous data and data sets to a database"""

import re
import time
import logging
import threading
import socket
from collections import namedtuple
from queue import Queue

    import MySQLdb
except ImportError:
    import pymysql as MySQLdb


from ..settings import Settings

SETTINGS = Settings()

# Used for check of valid, un-escaped column names, to prevent injection
COLUMN_NAME = re.compile(r'^[0-9a-zA-Z$_]*$')
# namedtuple used for custom column formatting, see MeasurementSaver.__init__
CustomColumn = namedtuple('CustomColumn', ['value', 'format_string'])

# Loging object for the DataSetSaver (DSS) shortened, because it will be
# written a lot
DSS_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.MeasurementSaver')

[docs]class DataSetSaver(object): """A class to save a measurement Attributes: measurement_ids (dict): Mapping of codenames to measurements ids measurements_table (str): The measurements tables xy_values_table (str): The x, y values tables sql_saver (:class:`SqlSaver`): The SqlSaver used to save points insert_measurement_query (str): The query used to insert a measurement insert_point_query (str): The query used to insert a point insert_batch_query (str): The query used to insert a batch of points connection (MySQLdb connection): The database connection used to register new measurements cursor (MySQLdb cursor): The db cursor used to register new measurements """
[docs] def __init__( self, measurements_table, xy_values_table, username, password, measurement_specs=None, ): """Initialize local parameters Args: measurements_table (str): The name of the measurements table xy_values_table (str): The name of the xy values table username (str): The database username passwork (str): The database password measurement_specs (sequence): A sequence of ``measurement_codename, metadata`` pairs, see below ``measurement_specs`` is used if you want to initialize all the measurements at ``__init__`` time. You can also do it later with :meth:`add_measurement`. the expected value is a sequence of ``measurement_codename, metadata`` e.g:: measurement_specs = [ ['M2', {'type': 5, 'timestep': 0.1, 'mass_label': 'M2M'}], ['M28', {'type': 5, 'timestep': 0.1, 'mass_label': 'M2M'}], ['M32', {'type': 5, 'timestep': 0.1, 'mass_label': 'M2M'}], ] As above, the expected ``metadata`` is simply a mapping of column names to column values in the ``measurements_table``. Per default, the value will be put into the table as is. If it is necessary to do SQL processing on the value, to make it fit the column type, then the value must be replaced with a :class:`CustomColumn` instance, whose arguments are the value and the format/processing string. The format/processing string must contain a '%s' as a placeholder for the value. It could look like this:: measurement_specs = [ ['M2', {'type': 5, 'time': CustomColumn(M2_timestamp, 'FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)')}], ['M28', {'type': 5, 'time': CustomColumn(M28_timestamp, 'FROM_UNIXTIME(%s)')}], ] The most common use for this is the one shown above, where the ``time`` column is of type timestamp and the time value (e.g. in ``M2_timestamp``) is a unix timestamp. The unix timestamp is converted to a SQL timestamp with the ``FROM_UNIXTIME`` SQL function. .. note:: The SQL timestamp column understand the :py:class:`datetime.datetime` type directly, so if the input timestamp is already on that form, then there is no need to convert it """ '__init__ with measurement_table=%s, xy_values_table=%s, ' 'username=%s, password=*****, measurement_specs: %s', measurements_table, xy_values_table, username, measurement_specs, ) # Initialize instance variables self.measurements_table = measurements_table self.xy_values_table = xy_values_table self.sql_saver = SqlSaver(username, password) # Initialize queries query = 'INSERT INTO {} ({{}}) values ({{}})' self.insert_measurement_query = query.format(measurements_table) query = 'INSERT INTO {} (measurement, x, y) values (%s, %s, %s)' self.insert_point_query = query.format(xy_values_table) query = 'INSERT INTO {} (measurement, x, y) values {{}}' self.insert_batch_query = query.format(xy_values_table) query = 'SELECT DISTINCT {{}} from {}' self.select_distict_query = query.format(measurements_table) # Init local database connection self.connection = MySQLdb.connect( host=socket.gethostbyname(SETTINGS.sql_server_host), user=username, passwd=password, db=SETTINGS.sql_database, ) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() # Initialize measurement ids self.measurement_ids = {} if measurement_specs: for codename, metadata_dict in measurement_specs: self.add_measurement(codename, metadata_dict)
[docs] def add_measurement(self, codename, metadata): """Add a measurement This is equivalent to forming the entry in the measurements table with the metadata values and saving the id of this entry locally for use with :meth:`add_point`. Args: codename (str): The codename that this measurement should have metadata (dict): The dictionary that holds the information for the measurements table. See :meth:`__init__` for details. """ 'Add measurement codenamed: \'%s\' with metadata: %s', codename, metadata ) # Collect column names, values and format strings, a format string is a SQL # value placeholder including processing like e.g: %s or FROM_UNIXTIME(%s) column_names, values, value_format_strings = [], [], [] for column_name, value in metadata.items(): if not COLUMN_NAME.match(column_name): msg = 'Invalid column name: \'{}\'. Only column names using a-z, ' msg += 'A-Z, 0-9 and \'_\' and \'$\' are allowed' raise ValueError(msg.format(column_name)) if isinstance(value, CustomColumn): # If the value from the metadata dict is a CustomColumn (which # is 2 value tuple), the unpack it real_value, value_format_string = value else: # Else, that value is just a value with default place holder real_value, value_format_string = value, '%s' column_names.append('`' + column_name + '`') values.append(real_value) value_format_strings.append(value_format_string) # Form the column string e.g: 'name, time, type' column_string = ', '.join(column_names) # Form the value marker string e.g: '%s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s' value_marker_string = ', '.join(value_format_strings) query = self.insert_measurement_query.format(column_string, value_marker_string) # Make the insert and save the measurement_table id for use in saving data self.cursor.execute(query, values) self.measurement_ids[codename] = self.cursor.lastrowid DSS_LOG.debug('Measurement codenamed: \'%s\' added', codename)
[docs] def save_point(self, codename, point): """Save a point for a specific codename Args: codename (str): The codename for the measurement to add the point to point (sequence): A sequence of x, y """ DSS_LOG.debug('For codename \'%s\' save point: %s', codename, point) try: query_args = [self.measurement_ids[codename]] except KeyError: message = 'No entry in measurements_ids for codename: \'{}\'' raise ValueError(message.format(codename)) # The query expects 3 values; measurement_id, x, y query_args.extend(point) self.sql_saver.enqueue_query(self.insert_point_query, query_args)
[docs] def save_points_batch(self, codename, x_values, y_values, batchsize=1000): """Save a number points for the same codename in batches Args: codename (str): The codename for the measurement to save the points for x_values (sequence): A sequence of x values y_values (sequence): A sequence of y values batchsize (int): The number of points to send in the same batch. Defaults to 1000, see the warning below before changing it .. warning:: The batchsize is ultimately limited by the max package size that the MySQL server will receive. The default is 1MB. Each point amounts to around 60 bytes in the final query. Rounding this up to 100, means that the limit is ~10000 points. This means that the default of 1000 should be safe and that if it is changed by the user, expect problems if exceeding the lower 10000ths. """ DSS_LOG.debug( 'For codename \'%s\' save %s points in batches of %s', codename, len(x_values), batchsize, ) # Check lengths and get measurement_id if len(x_values) != len(y_values): msg = 'Number of x and y values must be the same. Values are {} and {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(len(x_values), len(y_values))) try: measurement_id = self.measurement_ids[codename] except KeyError: message = 'No entry in measurements_ids for codename: \'{}\'' raise ValueError(message.format(codename)) # Gather values in batches of batchsize, start enumerate from 1, to make # the criteria values = [] number_of_values = 0 for x_value, y_value in zip(x_values, y_values): # Add this point values.extend([measurement_id, x_value, y_value]) number_of_values += 1 # Save a batch (> should not be necessary) if number_of_values >= batchsize: value_marker_string = ', '.join(['(%s, %s, %s)'] * number_of_values) query = self.insert_batch_query.format(value_marker_string) self.sql_saver.enqueue_query(query, values) values = [] number_of_values = 0 # Save the remaining number of points (smaller than the batchsize) if number_of_values > 0: value_marker_string = ', '.join(['(%s, %s, %s)'] * number_of_values) query = self.insert_batch_query.format(value_marker_string) self.sql_saver.enqueue_query(query, values)
[docs] def get_unique_values_from_measurements( self, column ): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Return a set of unique column values from the measurements database This is commonly used in fileparsers to identify the files already uploaded Args: column (str): The column specification to extract values from. This can be just a column name e.g. "time", but it is also allowed to contain SQL processing e.g. UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time). The value of column will be formatted directly into the query. """ self.cursor.execute(self.select_distict_query.format(column)) return set(item[0] for item in self.cursor.fetchall())
[docs] def start(self): """Start the DataSetSaver And the underlying :class:`.SqlSaver`. """ self.sql_saver.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the MeasurementSaver And shut down the underlying :class:`.SqlSaver` instance nicely. """'stop called') self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() self.sql_saver.stop() DSS_LOG.debug('stopped')
[docs] def wait_for_queue_to_empty(self): """Wait for the query queue in the SqlSaver to empty This purpose of this method is to avoid usgin too much memory when uploading large amount of data. """ self.sql_saver.wait_for_queue_to_empty()
CDS_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.ContinuousDataSaver') CDS_LOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class ContinuousDataSaver(object): """This class saves data to the database for continuous measurements Continuous measurements are measurements of a single parameters as a function of datetime. The class can ONLY be used with the new layout of tables for continous data, where there is only one table per setup, as apposed to the old layout where there was one table per measurement type per setup. The class sends data to the hostname and database named in SETTINGS.sql_server_host and SETTINGS.sql_database respectively. """
[docs] def __init__( self, continuous_data_table, username, password, measurement_codenames=None ): """Initialize the continous logger Args: continuous_data_table (str): The contunuous data table to log data to username (str): The MySQL username password (str): The password for ``username`` in the database measurement_codenames (sequence): A sequence of measurement codenames that this logger will send data to. These codenames can be given here, to initialize them at the time of initialization or later by the use of the :meth:`add_continuous_measurement` method. .. note:: The codenames are the 'official' codenames defined in the database for contionuous measurements NOT codenames that can be userdefined """ '__init__ with continuous_data_table=%s, username=%s, password=*****, ' 'measurement_codenames=%s', continuous_data_table, username, measurement_codenames, ) # Initialize instance variables self.continuous_data_table = continuous_data_table self.sql_saver = SqlSaver(username, password) self.username = username self.password = password # Init local database connection self.connection = MySQLdb.connect( host=socket.gethostbyname(SETTINGS.sql_server_host), user=username, passwd=password, db=SETTINGS.sql_database, ) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() # Dict used to translate code_names to measurement numbers self.codename_translation = {} if measurement_codenames is not None: for codename in measurement_codenames: self.add_continuous_measurement(codename)
[docs] def add_continuous_measurement(self, codename): """Add a continuous measurement codename to this saver Args: codename (str): Codename for the measurement to add .. note:: The codenames are the 'official' codenames defined in the database for contionuous measurements NOT codenames that can be userdefined """'Add measurements for codename \'%s\'', codename) query = 'SELECT id FROM dateplots_descriptions WHERE codename=\'{}\'' self.cursor.execute(query.format(codename)) results = self.cursor.fetchall() if len(results) != 1: message = ( 'Measurement code name \'{}\' does not have exactly one entry in ' 'dateplots_descriptions'.format(codename) ) CDS_LOG.critical(message) raise ValueError(message) self.codename_translation[codename] = results[0][0]
[docs] def save_point_now(self, codename, value): """Save a value and use now (a call to :func:`time.time`) as the timestamp Args: codename (str): The measurement codename that this point will be saved under value (float): The value to be logged Returns: float: The Unixtime used """ unixtime = time.time() CDS_LOG.debug( 'Adding timestamp %s to value %s for codename %s', unixtime, value, codename ) self.save_point(codename, (unixtime, value)) return unixtime
[docs] def save_point(self, codename, point): """Save a point Args: codename (str): The measurement codename that this point will be saved under point (sequence): The point to be saved, as a sequence of 2 floats: (x, y) """ try: unixtime, value = point except ValueError: message = '\'point\' must be a iterable with 2 values, got {}'.format(point) raise ValueError(message) # Save the point CDS_LOG.debug('Save point (%s, %s) for codename: %s', unixtime, value, codename) measurement_number = self.codename_translation[codename] query = 'INSERT INTO {} (type, time, value) VALUES (%s, FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s);' query = query.format(self.continuous_data_table) self.sql_saver.enqueue_query(query, (measurement_number, unixtime, value))
[docs] def start(self): """Starts the underlying :class:`.SqlSaver`"""'start called') self.sql_saver.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the ContiniousDataSaver And shut down the underlying :class:`.SqlSaver` instance nicely. """'stop called') self.sql_saver.stop() CDS_LOG.debug('stop finished')
SQL_SAVER_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.SqlSaver') SQL_SAVER_LOG.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
[docs]class SqlSaver(threading.Thread): """The SqlSaver class administers a queue from which it executes SQL queries .. note:: In general queries are added to the queue via the :meth:`.enqueue_query` method. If it is desired to add elements manually, remember that they must be on the form of a ``(query, query_args)`` tuple. (These are the arguments to the execute method on the cursor object) Attributes: queue (Queue.Queue): The queue the queries and qeury arguments are stored in. See note below. commits (int): The number of commits the saver has performed commit_time (float): The timespan the last commit took connection (MySQLdb connection): The MySQLdb database connection cursor (MySQLdb cursor): The MySQLdb database cursor """
[docs] def __init__(self, username, password, queue=None): """Initialize local variables Args: username (str): The username for the MySQL database password (str): The password for the MySQL database queue (Queue.Queue): A custom queue to use. If it is left out, a new :py:class:`Queue.Queue` object will be used. """ 'Init with username: %s, password: ***** and queue: %s', username, queue ) super(SqlSaver, self).__init__() # threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True # Initialize internal variables self.username = username self.password = password self.commits = 0 self.commit_time = 0 self._stop_called = False # Only used to modify logging output # Set queue or initialize a new one if queue is None: self.queue = Queue() else: self.queue = queue # Initialize database connection SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug('Open connection to MySQL database') self.connection = MySQLdb.connect( host=socket.gethostbyname(SETTINGS.sql_server_host), user=username, passwd=password, db=SETTINGS.sql_database, ) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug('Connection opened, init done')
[docs] def stop(self): """Add stop word to queue to exit the loop when the queue is empty""" 'stop called. Wait for %s elements remaining in the queue to ' 'be sent to the database', self.queue.qsize(), ) self.queue.put(('STOP', None)) self._stop_called = True # Make sure to wait untill it is closed down to return, otherwise we are going to # tear down the environment around it while self.is_alive(): time.sleep(10 ** -5) SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug('stopped')
[docs] def enqueue_query(self, query, query_args=None): """Enqueue a qeury and arguments Args: query (str): The SQL query to be executed query_args (sequence or mapping): Optional sequence or mapping of arguments to be formatted into the query. ``query`` and ``query_args`` in combination are the arguments to cursor.execute. """ SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug( 'Enqueue query\n\'%.70s...\'\nwith args: %.60s...', query, query_args ) self.queue.put((query, query_args))
[docs] def run(self): """Execute SQL inserts from the queue until stopped"""'run started') while True: start = time.time() query, args = self.queue.get() # If stop has been called this log output is elavated to info level, because # if not the user os waiting without information and may think that the # process hangs if self._stop_called:'Dequeued element, %s remaining', self.queue.qsize()) else: SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug( 'Dequeued element, %s remaining', self.queue.qsize() ) if query == 'STOP': # Magic key-word to stop Sql Saver break success = False while not success: try: self.cursor.execute(query, args=args) success = True SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug( 'Executed query\n\'%.70s\'\nwith args: %.60s', query, args ) # Naming exceptions is a bit tricky here, since we import different # sql-libraries at runtime, not all exceptions are available and we # end up with a NameError instead. Catching all should be ok here. except Exception as e: # Failed to perfom commit msg = 'Executing a query raised an error: {}'.format(e) SQL_SAVER_LOG.error(msg) time.sleep(5) try: self.connection = MySQLdb.connect( host=socket.gethostbyname(SETTINGS.sql_server_host), user=self.username, passwd=self.password, db=SETTINGS.sql_database, ) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() except Exception: # Failed to re-connect pass self.connection.commit() self.commits += 1 self.commit_time = time.time() - start self.connection.close() SQL_SAVER_LOG.debug('run stopped')
[docs] def wait_for_queue_to_empty(self): """Wait for the queue to empty This purpose of this method is to avoid using too much memory when uploading large amount of data. """ while self.queue.qsize() > 0: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs]def run_module(): """Run the module to perform elementary functional test""" import numpy print('Test DataSetSaver.\nInit and start.') data_set_saver = DataSetSaver( 'measurements_dummy', 'xy_values_dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy' ) data_set_saver.start() print('Make 2 data sets. Save data as mass spectra') metadata = { 'type': 4, 'comment': 'Test sine1', 'sem_voltage': 47, 'mass_label': 'Sine', 'preamp_range': -9, } data_set_saver.add_measurement('sine1', metadata) metadata['comment'] = 'Test sine2' data_set_saver.add_measurement('sine2', metadata) # Make measurement x = numpy.arange(0, 3, 0.03) y = numpy.sin(x) # Save all at once data_set_saver.save_points_batch('sine1', x, y) print('Saved "sine1" as a batch') # Save point by point for xpoint, ypoint in zip(x, y): data_set_saver.save_point('sine2', (xpoint, ypoint + 0.3)) print('Saved "sine2" as single points') data_set_saver.stop() print('Stop DataSetSaver\n') print('Test ContinuousDataSaver.\nInit and start') continuous_data_saver = ContinuousDataSaver('dateplots_dummy', 'dummy', 'dummy') continuous_data_saver.start() print('Use dateplots "sine1" and "sine2"') continuous_data_saver.add_continuous_measurement('dummy_sine_one') continuous_data_saver.add_continuous_measurement('dummy_sine_two') print('Save 10 points for each, 0.1 s apart (will take 1s)') for _ in range(10): continuous_data_saver.save_point_now('dummy_sine_one', numpy.sin(time.time())) continuous_data_saver.save_point_now( 'dummy_sine_two', numpy.sin(time.time() + numpy.pi) ) time.sleep(0.1) continuous_data_saver.stop() print('Stop ContinuousDataSaver')
if __name__ == '__main__': run_module()