.. _drivers-doc-pfeiffer: ******************* The pfeiffer module ******************* The pfeiffer module contains drivers for equipment from Pfeiffer Vacuum. At present the module contains drivers for the :class:`TPG 261 <.TPG261>` and :class:`TPG 262 <.TPG262>` pressure measurement and control units. TPG 26x ======= The TPG 261 and TPG 262 has the same communications protocol and therefore the driver has been implemented as a common driver in the :class:`.TPG26x` class, which the :class:`.TPG261` and :class:`.TPG262` classes inherit from, as illustrated below. .. inheritance-diagram:: PyExpLabSys.drivers.pfeiffer The driver implements only a sub set of the specification, but given that the ground work has already been done, it should be simple to implement more methods as they are needed. Usage Example ------------- The driver classes can be instantiated by specifying just the address of the serial communications port the unit is connected to: .. code-block:: python from PyExpLabSys.drivers.pfeiffer import TPG262 tpg = TPG262(port='/dev/ttyUSB0') value, (status_code, status_string) = tpg.pressure_gauge(1) # or value, _ = tpg.pressure_gauge(1) unit = tpg.pressure_unit() print 'pressure is {} {}'.format(value, unit) If the baud rate on the TPG 26x unit has been changed away from the default setting of 9600, then the correct baud rate will need to be given as a parameter. pfeiffer module --------------- .. automodule:: PyExpLabSys.drivers.pfeiffer :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: