.. _drivers-doc-four_d_systems: ********************* The 4d Systems module ********************* Picaso Common ============= The 4d Systems module at present contains the Picaso Common driver, which at a minimum works for the Picaso uLCD-28PTU LCD display, but likely will also work for other displays in the same series. .. inheritance-diagram:: PyExpLabSys.drivers.four_d_systems.PicasoCommon PyExpLabSys.drivers.four_d_systems.PicasouLCD28PTU Usage Example ------------- .. code-block:: python import time from PyExpLabSys.drivers.four_d_systems import PicasouLCD28PTU # Text example picaso = PicasouLCD28PTU(serial_device='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=9600) picaso.clear_screen() for index in range(5): picaso.move_cursor(index, index) picaso.put_string('CINF') # Touch example picaso.move_cursor(7, 0) picaso.put_string('Try and touch me!') picaso.touch_set('enable') for _ in range(25): time.sleep(0.2) print picaso.touch_get_status() print picaso.touch_get_coordinates() picaso.close() four_d_systems module --------------------- .. automodule:: PyExpLabSys.drivers.four_d_systems :members: :member-order: bysource :show-inheritance: :private-members: